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In today’s newsletter:

  • Dubai real estate: 10,000 new properties entered market in Q1, rent increases are slowing down
  • Dubai vs Singapore: How much real estate can you buy with $1m?
  • Revealed: Dubai hits stride as global hub for Web3 gaming with GameFi mainstream in UAE
  • UAE Emiratisation: MoHRE urges companies to meet 2024 targets
  • UAE gold price: Should investors buy right now? Experts weigh in

Stay informed with the latest updates from Arabian Business, where our dedicated editorial team brings you a diverse range of stories. From real estate to gaming and more, here's a glimpse of what unfolded on Tuesday:

The Dubai real estate sector saw 10,000 new properties enter the market in Q1, according to the Asteco Q1 2024 real estate report. Asteco says that Dubai’s real estate market remains resilient and shows strong signs of progress in 2024. Dubai’s strong economic performance and commitment to enhancing the quality of life and attracting skilled professionals will continue to attract a substantial number of expatriates.

In the world of real estate, the value of $1 million can vary drastically from one city to another. Today, we compare two of the most sought-after cities for property investment: Dubai and Singapore. Here is a comparison of the type of properties you can buy in Dubai and Singapore for $1million, there are varying offerings depending upon several factors including area, developers, amenities and more

In other news, Dubai is fast emerging as the global laboratory for the development of next-gen Web3 games, with industry majors such as Playnance deploying new technologies to develop and roll out new products to make Web3 games suitable for mass audiences, helping GameFi to go mainstream. Latest initiatives are also aimed at transcending the limitations of the  crypto environment to make Web3 gaming experience as seamless as in traditional games, ensuring smooth user experience without the hassle usually associated with blockchain products.

Meanwhile, the UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has reminded private sector companies with 50 or more employees to achieve their first-half Emiratisation targets for 2024. The targets call for a 1 percent increase in Emiratis employed in skilled jobs at these companies by June 30. This deadline is in line with a Cabinet resolution on Emiratisation rates. Going forward, the ministry will monitor compliance starting July 1.

Aside from this, with prices rising across economies worldwide, investors are seeking assets that can help shelter their wealth during high inflation. Gold has historically performed well under such conditions and continues drawing interest from various market participants, suggesting its enduring role as a portfolio diversifier. Due to these continuing economic uncertainties and global markets fluctuations, financial experts are advocating for inclusion of gold in investment portfolios, citing its potential as a long-term store of value and hedge against volatility.


One of the primary drivers fuelling the short-term rental frenzy is the promise of higher returns on investment compared to traditional, more stable long-term leases

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