Hello reader,

In today’s newsletter:

  • UAE salary guide 2024: Most employees seek job change, salaries revealed
  • Doom spending: UAE Gen Z employees are maxing out credit cards to cope with economic uncertainty, say experts
  • Sleep tourism: UAE travellers planning holidays around quality sleep over activities, food, events
  • UK travel: Pre-entry visa requirements scrapped for UAE, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain from February 22, Qatar already exempt
  • Dubai traffic: Top lawyer Habib Al Mulla calls for Salik price hike to combat congestion

In the most recent stories provided by Arabian Business, here are the significant stories influencing the region.

In case you missed them yesterday, our editorial team has carefully selected and summarised these stories to keep you informed about the latest happenings from Wednesday:

UAE employees are confident about securing a new role within the next three months, according to the new Michael Page salary guide 2024. When asked about the factors that influence the need to seek for a new opportunity, respondents listed: Better salary package, lack of career development opportunity and the need for more responsibility.

However, some of these employees that fall under the Gen Z age group are ‘doom spending’, a word personal finance experts in the nation describe as a situation where individuals, feeling discouraged about their ability to attain fundamental aspects of adulthood such as owning a house, choose to use their money on luxury items as a means of coping with financial difficulties.

There have also been recent developments in the travel section. A new trend has emerged in the holiday spaces topping travel priorities including food, museums and other activities – sleep tourism. Over 63 percent of UAE travellers, according to a Skyscanner survey said that they sleep better on holiday.

UAE travellers can also look forward to visiting the UK easily as the sovereign country introduces electronic travel authorisation for UAE, Saudi and other Gulf citizens from February 22.

Aside from this, in terms of easing Dubai traffic, Dr. Habib Al Mulla, one of the UAE’s most prominent and respected lawyers, has suggested two proposals to further develop Salik and reduce road congestion in Dubai.


For editorial queries, please contact:

Matthew Amlôt
Editorial Director, Arabian Business

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Andy Sulahian

Group Commercial Director

Direct: +971 4 444 3597

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