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In today’s newsletter:

  • Dubai schools: How to get enrolled in an ‘Outstanding’ institution in the emirate
  • UAE Golden Visa: Dubai real estate expects boost as ‘minimum down payment’ rule dropped
  • Fuel prices: UAE announces new petrol price rise for February 2024
  • BRICS: Dubai, Abu Dhabi rank among wealthiest cities in economic bloc
  • UAE weather: Abu Dhabi Police issue rain warning

Stay up-to-date with the latest updates exclusively from Arabian Business, where our dedicated editorial team has meticulously compiled the significant developments across the region from Wednesday:

As a new academic year begins, enrolling your child in one of Dubai's esteemed institutions requires careful planning and attention to detail. That said, here’s a full guide that outlines the steps parents can take to secure a place for their child in an ‘Outstanding’ school in Dubai.

There has also been new developments in the real estate sector. The UAE changed the rules for real estate investors to qualify for a 10-year Golden Visa, removing the requirement of minimum AED1 million down payment. Previously, investors needed to put down at least 50 percent of the property value or AED1 million as a down payment to qualify for a Golden Visa.

Meanwhile, the UAE also announced an increase in petrol prices for February. The price rise follows previous decreases in fuel costs in December last year and January Although petrol and diesel prices have experienced fluctuations over the past year, they are currently lower compared to the same period last year.

In addition, according to Henley & Partners’ BRICS Wealth Report, Beijing, Shanghai and Dubai are the top three richest cities in the newly expanded BRICS bloc based on the number of millionaires, centi-millionaires and billionaires in each city.

Aside from this, Abu Dhabi Police have urged motorists to drive carefully in rainy conditions this week. The General Command of Abu Dhabi Police urged drivers to follow safe practices and stay focused, especially during upcoming rainy days.


Beyond the sky-high skyscrapers and million-dollar penthouses, Dubai’s real estate market holds great affordable properties for those seeking a foothold without breaking the bank. Here’s a list of Dubai neighbourhoods with affordable properties, based on market trends over the past three months.

For editorial queries, please contact:

Matthew Amlôt
Editorial Director, Arabian Business

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Andy Sulahian

Group Commercial Director

Direct: +971 4 444 3597

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