NEWS: Two of the three judges on the panel signaled some sympathy for the arguments raised by the Texas-led group of plaintiff states who challenged the law.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

ACA Opponents Celebrate as Appellate Judges Appear Receptive to Their Arguments

Two of the three judges on the panel signaled some sympathy for the arguments raised by the Texas-led group of plaintiff states who challenged the law.

The two judges who were appointed by Republican presidents made comments that may have signaled a likeliness to agree with at least some of the arguments raised by the Texas-led plaintiff states.

Although a decision could still be a ways off, the ruling—whatever the outcome—is expected to be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which could hear arguments and rule on the case amid the 2020 presidential campaign.

Beyond the questions surrounding the legal status of the ACA, the intervening states said a judicial nullification of the law would wreak chaos for the nation's health system. Read the full story...



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