Academe Today

Friday, September 14, 2018

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Today’s News


Hurricane Trump Bears Down on Science premium

By Jack Stripling

Saying research on Maria’s death toll in Puerto Rico is bogus, the president makes a pointed challenge to higher-ed standards and values.

Campus Speech

U. of Nebraska Wondered Whether Conservative Students Were Being Silenced. Here’s What It Found Out.

By Steve Kolowich

The university system commissioned a Gallup survey after a liberal graduate student berated a conservative undergrad. Among other things, Gallup found that some students — and faculty members — were anxious about speaking their minds.

Campus Symbols

‘Exhaustion, Confusion, and Anger’: U. of Illinois Finds a Community at Odds Over Old Mascot

By Chris Quintana

A new report on the Urbana-Champaign campus’s controversial Chief Illiniwek mascot, which was retired in 2007, acknowledges more than regret that “we are not further along in the process.”


How a Common Course Fosters Teaching Collaboration on One Campus

A required, interdisciplinary introduction to social science at the University of Dayton gets instructors from different departments talking, in meetings and more informally.  


How to Create a Syllabus

By Kevin Gannon

There’s never a bad time to re-examine and rethink your syllabus. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to craft an effective one.

A New Feature for Chronicle Readers

Leadership Insights: Innovation

Our latest booklet aims to help college leaders build a culture of innovation on their campuses. It includes examples of how colleges are developing and implementing new approaches; tips on what it takes to be an innovative president; and ways to look for ideas outside of higher ed. Buy your copy in the new Chronicle Store.



Back to the Classroom After 11 Years in Administration

By George Justice

A former dean chronicles the challenges of returning to full-time teaching.

Lingua Franca

Am I Too Old to Say Anything New?

How do you feel about impact as a verb? How about reveal as a noun? Rose Jacobs is studying how age correlates with feelings about language change. You can become part of her data here.



Paid for and Created by Huron
Meeting Expectations
Students seek creative alternatives to outdated, traditional methods of education.

Job Opportunities

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska, United States

Dean of the Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University
New York, United States

Associate Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Planning, The Ohio State University
Ohio, United States

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Ohio, United States

Work and Study at Wenzhou-Kean University in China, Wenzhou-Kean University

Founding Program Director for M.S. Program in Translational Biomedical Research Management, Hartwick College
New York, United States

Tenure Track Faculty Member - Elementary Science Education, California Polytechnic State University
California, United States

Assistant Professor in Cinema and Media Studies, University of Washington
Washington, United States

Assistant/Associate Professor of Equine Medicine (Field Service) (2 Positions Available), University of California-Davis
California, United States

Tenure Track Position in Strategic Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Massachusetts, United States

Multiple Positions in the School of Education, Iowa State University
Iowa, United States

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