What college leaders can do in response to racism; how scholars can kindle hope; law enforcement on campus; the rush to online education; and more.
Academe Today

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Leadership Amid Crisis
Keith Birmingham, Pasadena Star News via Getty Images
By Jack Stripling

Presidents have been issuing statements of anguish and solidarity with protesters. Three of those leaders shared their thoughts with The Chronicle.


Academe’s Response
By Francie Diep

We spoke with a researcher of health disparities and police brutality about how academe can address both.

The Chronicle Review
By G. Gabrielle Starr

A virus drove us indoors. A violent death drove many of us out into the streets.

Special Reports

Continued police brutality against black people has once again plunged law-enforcement agencies around the country into controversy. This collection of Chronicle articles offers insights on campus and local police departments and the scrutiny they face.

By Eric Kelderman

How do colleges plan for the long term when they are reacting to the uncertainty of a global pandemic and an economic crisis? (PREMIUM)

Paid for and Created by Edith Cowan University

Rainforests have always been at the center of the global conversation around carbon and climate change. But research from Edith Cowan University shows why seagrass and its hidden benefits are essential in those discussions today.

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By Russ Castronovo and Susan Gillman

How a coordinated system of biennial admissions in the humanities would help graduate students, programs, and universities.


Special Reports

As colleges and universities have struggled to devise policies to respond to the quickly evolving situation, here are links to The Chronicle’s key coverage of how this worldwide health crisis is affecting campuses.

Paid for and Created by University of Birmingham

To bridge the research-to-patient gap, The University of Birmingham’s Healthcare Technologies Institute works with both physicians and med-tech companies to bring innovative new technology to the frontlines of medicine.

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We reached out to college staff members, professors, and administrators with a straightforward question: How will the pandemic change higher education? Order the collection to hear what they had to say. Chronicle subscribers: Access this premium content free.

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