Academe Today

Friday, September 28, 2018

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Today’s News

Unwelcome Memories

As Kavanaugh Allegations Widen, Elite-College Alumni Recall Harassment From Decades Past

By Lindsay Ellis

With the Supreme Court confirmation drama dragging on, graduates across the country are sharing their stories, some marveling at the lack of consequences the offenders faced.

Supreme Court

The Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing and Campus Sexual Assault: 3 Parallels

By Sarah Brown

Administrators and lawyers who handle campus sexual-misconduct cases drew parallels between the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing and their jobs.

Federal Aid

These Colleges’ Finances Are Now Being Watched More Closely by the Education Dept.

By Dan Bauman

Howard University was the most prominent name on a list of institutions that won’t be able to disburse federal student aid as easily as their peers can.


Common App Will Merge With Reach Higher

By Eric Hoover

By bringing Michelle Obama’s project into its big tent, the Common Application will gain new expertise in helping low-income and first-generation students get to college.


How Teaching Centers Can Get Professors to Buy Into Their Work

Some faculty members worry that such centers will impose a top-down vision. One center’s director shares what she does to put them at ease.  

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A New Feature for Chronicle Readers

Idea Lab: Student Wellness

Colleges want students to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors. But the potential pitfalls for undergraduates are great: alcohol abuse, excessive partying, and a Greek culture that sometimes can promote dangerous behavior. This collection of articles outlines how leading institutions are making headway. Buy this Idea Lab collection today to help your students be healthier and safer.



What’s an Online Ivy League Degree Worth? Who Knows? premium

By Jonathan Zimmerman

Until we seriously assess teaching both in the classroom and online, we can’t compare student learning.

Special Reports

Silicon Valley Must Help Rural America. Here’s How. premium

By Mark Hagerott

The wealth created in new digital spaces should be used on cybereducation programs for people and places being left behind — programs that would also enhance our national security.

Special Reports

We Asked: What’s Important About Your College’s Location? premium

Some scholars’ expectations were confirmed. Others found that their regions defied stereotypes.

Lingua Franca

From Criminal Slang to Modern Acceptability: ‘Kibosh’

From the etymologist Gerald Cohen, Allan Metcalf learns why to stay out of range of the kibosh.

Job Opportunities

President, Yavapai College
Arizona, United States

Tenure Track Position in Systematic Theology, University of Portland
Oregon, United States

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Orchestra and Music History, University of Portland
Oregon, United States

Dean, School of Nursing, University of Portland
Oregon, United States

Dean, College of Arts, Columbus State University
Georgia, United States

Faculty Openings, Christopher Newport University
Virginia, United States

Multiple Tenured/tenure-track Professor and Professor of Teaching Positions, University of California, Irvine - Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
California, United States

Tenure-track Lines for Fall 2019, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
New York, United States

Faculty Openings, Muhlenberg College
Pennsylvania, United States

Nursing Faculty, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Texas, United States

Assistant Professor in Twentieth- and/or Twenty-first Century British Literature, St. Lawrence University
New York, United States

Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor of Hospitality Entrepreneurship, New York University School of Professional Studies
New York, United States

Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor of Hospitality Marketing, New York University School of Professional Studies
New York, United States

Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor of Accounting Information and Management, Northwestern University
Illinois, United States

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