Academe Today

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

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Today’s News

Labor & Work-Life Issues

Ex-Administrators Reveal the Secret That Eased Their Return to the Faculty premium

By Audrey Williams June

Don’t ever stop teaching and doing research, say those who have succeeded as professors again.

The Chronicle Review

What Follows the End of History? Identity Politics

By Evan Goldstein

Francis Fukuyama on global politics, campus politics, and being a student of Paul de Man and Allan Bloom.


Do College Librarians Have Academic Freedom? Amid Push, California’s ‘Will Not Be Silent’

By Lindsay Ellis

A union representing hundreds of University of California librarians is seeking explicit recognition of what they see as a right in a new contract. Administrators disagree.

College Value

Colleges Say They Prepare Students for a Career, Not Just a First Job. Is That True?

By Beckie Supiano

Employers have more confidence in graduates’ readiness for entry-level work than for advancement, a new survey has found. How does that square with colleges’ claims that they prepare students for life?


Student-Loan Leader at Consumer Watchdog Agency Resigns in Protest

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz

In his resignation letter, Seth Frotman, student-loan ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, wrote that the bureau is more interested in protecting financial companies than consumers.

Academe by the Numbers

The Making of a First-Time President premium

By Peter Monaghan

Some college leaders, rather than fearing the aspirations of those under them, purposefully go about grooming new presidents.

Colleges That Produced the Most First-Time Presidents premium

Almanac 2018

Of the 20 colleges that produced at least three first-time presidents or chancellors since July 2012, seven had enrollments of fewer than 10,000 students.

The Almanac of Higher Education, 2018-19

Numbers tell the story of the current state of higher education: the results of its diversity efforts, the decline in enrollment, and the growth in student debt. 

Exclusively for Individual Subscribers

The Daily Briefing

The Daily Briefing tells individual subscribers everything they need to know about higher ed. Here’s a sample.


The Chronicle Review

Why Social Class Matters, Even if We Don’t Agree on What It Means premium

By Kwame Anthony Appiah

We may not know how to measure it, or even if it exists, but that’s no reason to stop talking about it.

Lingua Franca

While We Wait for Singular ‘They,’ How About ‘She or He’?

Ben Yagoda proposes a solution as we wait for the New York Times and other stylebooks to catch up with usage in much of the world.

Paid for and Created by the University of Birmingham
Informing Policy With Science
U.K. researchers apply a high-level scientific understanding of air pollution to advise on public policy.

Job Opportunities

Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, College of the Holy Cross
Massachusetts, United States

Faculty Openings - Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis
Missouri, United States

Vice President for University Advancement & CEO of the KSU Foundation, Kennesaw State University
Georgia, United States

Assistant Professor Position in the Department of Computer Science, University of Dayton
Ohio, United States

Assistant Professor of Accounting; Assistant Professor of Applied Economics; Assistant Professor of Finance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts, United States

Assistant or Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)
Arkansas, United States

Faculty Positions, Harvard Business School
Massachusetts, United States

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