Academe Today

Thursday, July 26, 2018

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Today’s News


How a Rant Against Short Shorts Overturned the ‘Good Ol’ Turtle Boy Club’

By Emma Pettit

A scientist chided young women who wear revealing clothing at scholarly conferences. Amid the backlash, the conversation pivoted to sex discrimination and women’s inclusion in academe.


The New Happiness Studies premium

By Alexander C. Kafka

Psychology has dominated the field for decades. But a three-year, $5.1-million project showcases interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, empirical research, with an emphasis on philosophy and an openness toward religion.


Proposed Changes in Borrower-Defense Rules Would Make It Tougher for Defrauded Students to Get Debt Relief

By Claire Hansen

Under the proposal, unveiled on Wednesday by the U.S. Education Department, student-loan borrowers would find it more difficult to demonstrate that their college had defrauded them.

Rankings Race

Temple U. Says Several Programs Submitted False Data to ‘U.S. News’

By Megan Zahneis

Multiple programs in the college’s business school — not just its online M.B.A. program — submitted inflated data to U.S. News & World Report.

Marathon Man

Flat Cokes, Relay Running, and 500 Pages of Notes: A Professor Prepares to Break a Guinness World Record for Longest Lesson

By Sarah Brown

Andrew Torget plans a 30-hour lecture at the University of North Texas on the history of Texas — all of it, “from cave people up until last week.”

A New Feature for Chronicle Readers

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The Chronicle Review

History in an Age of Fake News premium

By Patrick Iber

How to stop pseudo-historical grift from taking over the field.

Lingua Franca

What’s an Anti-Semite? It Depends on Which Politician You Ask

Can lexicography help solve political disputes about who is or isn’t anti-Semitic? Geoff Pullum doesn’t think so.

Paid for and Created by Texas A&M University
Life-Saving Solution for Shrapnel Wounds
Dr. Akhilesh Gahawar of Texas A&M discovers a life-saving tool that can be self-administered during battle.

Job Opportunities

Dean, Fogelman College of Business & Economics, University of Memphis
Tennessee, United States

Senior Director of Prospect Development, Clemson University
South Carolina, United States

Vice President for Business and Finance, CFO, California State University, Chico
California, United States

Director, School of Peace and Conflict Studies, Kent State University
Ohio, United States

2 Tenure-Track Positions - Management (HR / OD & General / Strategy), Fort Lewis College
Colorado, United States

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