'UNDER SIEGE' Is Leading a Red-State Flagship More Trouble Than It’s Worth? By David Jesse The departure of the University of Texas at Austin’s president has kindled a discussion about the pressures facing public colleges in states that have targeted higher education.
DEBATING ACTIVISM Why the American Historical Association Rejected a Resolution on Gaza By Christa Dutton The decision comes after the Modern Language Association refused in November to let its members take a similar vote. BACKGROUNDER Historians Fight Over a Gaza Resolution By Len Gutkin The battles over Middle Eastern politics won’t leave academe alone.
SPONSOR CONTENT | Virginia Commonwealth University How VCU is Revolutionizing Liver Disease Treatment and Prevention
PUSHING BACK Florida’s ‘Vague, Viewpoint-Discriminatory’ Law Is Unconstitutional, Professors’ Lawsuit Says By Emma Pettit Six faculty members argue that a 2023 law mandating that general-education courses not teach “identity politics” violates their First Amendment rights. TEACHING Do You Miss Imperfect Student Writing? By Beth McMurtrie Professors reading AI-written prose wonder how to encourage authenticity. BACKGROUNDER AI and the Death of Student Writing By Lisa Lieberman The move away from true hands-on scholarship feels tragic.
Upcoming Workshop Our renowned professional development program for department chairs is returning in January! We've partnered with experienced academic leaders at Dever Justice LLC and research experts at Ithaka S+R to design a comprehensive two-week program that will help chairs navigate their day-to-day responsibilities, develop a strategic vision for their department, and understand the higher-ed landscape in which they're operating. Learn more and register.
Virtual Events: Tune In Live LEADERSHIP Unapologetically Working for Change: Moving Forward to the Future UPCOMING: January 23, 2025 | 2 p.m. E.T. Join The Chronicle and the president of Compton College, Keith Curry, for a virtual forum discussing the various challenges facing higher-ed institutions today and how campus leaders can pave the way for the future. With Support From Ascendium. Register here. HIGHER-ED WORK FORCE UPCOMING: January 27, 2025 | 2 p.m. E.T. A goal of higher education is to provide the knowledge required to thrive in a modern world. Learn how campuses can offer short-term upskilling courses to better serve an evolving student population.With Support From the University of South Florida. Register here.
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SPONSOR CONTENT | Queens University Belfast Groundbreaking Projects Driving Change in Northern Ireland’s Conflict Recovery Learn how groundbreaking projects like the Queer Northern Ireland initiative and truth-recovery efforts are transforming conflict-affected societies.
From the Archives POLITICS A Brief History of GOP Attempts to Kill the Education Dept. By Dan Bauman and Brock Read Since its birth, the Department of Education has been marked for death by its critics. And those critics have been almost exclusively Republicans. But their efforts have failed.
From the Chronicle Store Experiential-learning programs are grounded in the belief that true understanding comes from direct engagement with the world. Order this report to learn how to create learning experiences that align academic goals with work-force demands.
From Chronicle CareersJob Opportunities Search thousands of faculty, administrative, and executive job openings and upload your resume to be searchable by employers!Collegiate Fellow / Visiting Lecturer University of Maryland College Park
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