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REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS By Heidi Landecker How are they — and other health-care professionals — learning it now? THE REVIEW | OPINION By Robert Kelchen A recent book says more institutions should declare financial exigency. BACKGROUNDER By Scott Carlson A few metrics can shed some light, but the most important ones often remain hidden. WEIGHING OPTIONS By Karin Fischer The saliency of these social issues crosses partisan lines in the wake of campus shootings and the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade, according to a survey of 14,000 students. THE REVIEW | ESSAY By Angus Deaton A Nobel Prize winner grows disenchanted. THE EDGE By Goldie Blumenstyk At The Chronicle’s annual pitchfest, our “sharks” weighed in on ideas to help students get to and through college — and beyond.
NEWSLETTER Find insights to improve teaching and learning across your campus. Delivered on Thursdays. To read this newsletter as soon as it sends, sign up to receive it in your email inbox.
Virtual Events: Tune In Live INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS UPCOMING: March 20, 2024 | 2 p.m. ET. Join experts to learn how the programs have expanded to research how communities face earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters. With Support From Southern Methodist University. Register here. POST-GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT UPCOMING: March 26, 2024 | 2 p.m. ET. In a tough job market for recent graduates, colleges must better integrate career support into their programs. Join us for an expert panel on what they’re doing. With Support From University of Florida. Register here.
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Views IN CASE YOU MISSED IT By David D. Perlmutter Your faculty members say they are struggling to teach disengaged students. Can administrators be part of the solution and not part of the problem?
SPONSOR CONTENT | Curtin University From Colorado to the shores of Australia, this Vice-Chancellor dives into her journey leading global academic adventure.
FROM THE CHRONICLE STORE Colleges can’t foresee and avoid every possible safety concern. Yet students, parents, and others are demanding that colleges do more to keep campuses safe. Order this report to explore strategies colleges are employing to counter threats to their communities’ well-being.
Upcoming Workshop Join us this spring for a virtual professional development program designed for women leaders across various roles in higher ed. This workshop series will help participants better understand the complex set of challenges they may face and think creatively to implement transformative change on their campuses. Reserve your spot today!
JOB OPPORTUNITIES B2B General Manager - Online Education Growth Rowan University South Jersey Technology Park Dean of Library and Information Services Southern Illinois University Edwardsville President of Southeast Arkansas College Southeast Arkansas College CLINICAL ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HOSPITALITY SOCIAL ENTERPRISING AND ENGAGEMENT New York University School of Professional Studies Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Washburn University Professor of Biology/Zoology/Physiology (Tenure-Track) BLACKBURN COLLEGE Pima Community College Executive Director for University Advancement, University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Alaska Fairbanks
CAREER RESOURCES Read the March collection for insights on navigating the anticipation of job offers. Explore our topics on how hiring decisions transpire, managing anxiety, and what to do if you receive an offer!
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