DATA No, Colleges Haven’t Rushed Back to Requiring Standardized Tests By Jacquelyn Elias It’s one of four things revealed in federal data about admissions for the fall of 2023.
NEWS After Report Says Seton Hall President Knew of Sexual-Abuse Claims, Lawmakers Demand His Resignation By Jasper Smith The Politico investigation comes after leadership turmoil at the private university. FALSE STARTS The Movement to Make Athletes Employees Had Momentum. Then Trump Got Elected. By Christa Dutton Two high-profile legal efforts to give college players employee status have been called off, as Republicans poise to take control of the National Labor Relations Board.
SPONSOR CONTENT | The University of Adelaide With Great AI Comes Great Responsibility
BACKGROUNDER In One of Higher Ed’s Hottest Fights, These Documents Have Become Exhibit A By Nell Gluckman Team handbooks have emerged as evidence used to bolster the argument that college athletes are employees, not amateurs. ADVICE By James M. Lang Performed often enough, a routine can prepare your distractible brain to ease into the hard work of focusing on a manuscript.
Upcoming Workshop Our renowned professional development program for department chairs is returning in January! We've partnered with experienced academic leaders at Dever Justice LLC and research experts at Ithaka S+R to design a comprehensive two-week program that will help chairs navigate their day-to-day responsibilities, develop a strategic vision for their department, and understand the higher-ed landscape in which they're operating. Learn more and register.
Virtual Events: Tune In Live LEADERSHIP Unapologetically Working for Change: Moving Forward to the Future UPCOMING: January 23, 2025 | 2 p.m. E.T. Join The Chronicle and the president of Compton College, Keith Curry, for a virtual forum discussing the various challenges facing higher-ed institutions today and how campus leaders can pave the way for the future. With Support From Ascendium. Register here. HIGHER-ED WORK FORCE UPCOMING: January 27, 2025 | 2 p.m. E.T. A goal of higher education is to provide the knowledge required to thrive in a modern world. Learn how campuses can offer short-term upskilling courses to better serve an evolving student population.With Support From the University of South Florida. Register here.
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SPONSOR CONTENT | West Chester University Ensuring Higher Ed Remains a Public Good West Chester University President Laurie Bernotsky reveals her formula for achieving financial sustainability while prioritizing student success in the face of today's higher education challenges.
The Great Read ARCHIVE Holding On to What Makes Us Human By L.D. Burnett Defending the humanities in a skills-obsessed university.
From the Chronicle Store Campuses are awash in data. How can colleges make meaningful and ethical use of this powerful tool? Order this report to learn how institutions have unlocked insights from data to inform decision making in all facets of their operations.
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