Private-college presidents can reap millions from long tenures; Warren’s plan to cancel student-loan debt; and more.
Academe Today

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Photo illustration by Ron Coddington
By Dan Bauman, Tyler Davis, and Brian O’Leary

The Chronicle’s executive-compensation database includes the latest salary information, plus years of data, on more than 1,400 chief executives at more than 600 private colleges and nearly 250 public universities and systems.


Executive Compensation
Photo illustration by Ron Coddington
By Dan Bauman

In 2017, 64 college presidents earned more than $1 million, according to The Chronicle’s analysis. (PREMIUM)

Student Debt
AP Photo, Elise Amendola
By Vimal Patel

As critics remain skeptical that Congress will pass a mass debt-discharge plan, the presidential candidate argues that the U.S. Department of Education already has the legal authority to do so.

By Beckie Supiano

How the rules of an improvisational performance can help professors unlock their students’ creativity. (PREMIUM)

Paid for and Created by DePaul University

As the world continues to rapidly change, DePaul University plans to keep up by educating students in a wide range of professions with the education and skills needed to help solve today’s societal problems.

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By Allison M. Vaillancourt

The best way to defend yourself against the unscrupulous is to understand academe’s version of the “Simple Sabotage Field Manual.”


Paid for and Created by Victoria University of Wellington

In an age surrounded by evolving technology that impedes upon privacy rights, Victoria University of Wellington Law Professor, Nicole Moreham, is researching what constitutes as a private space, and how to protect it.

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