Academe Today

Friday, November 2, 2018

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Today’s News

Sports Scandal

Regent’s Resignation Signals Turning of the Tide in U. of Maryland Crisis, as President Exerts His Power

By Jack Stripling

After Wallace Loh appeared to call the regents’ bluff, firing an embattled football coach in defiance of the board’s wishes, the chairman quit and acknowledged the president’s authority.

Academics on the Ballot

Professors Running for Office Make Final Push in First-Time Campaigns

By Steven Johnson

More than 150 people involved with academe are on ballots this Tuesday. Some are novice candidates, drawn from the humanities and sciences into the glare of national politics.


As Harvard Trial Winds Down, Admissions Director Takes the Stand — Again

By Eric Hoover

The plaintiff in a lawsuit accusing the university of bias against Asian-American applicants wanted to question the official about recently disclosed guidelines for considering race in admissions.


With Student Interest Soaring, Berkeley Creates New Data-Sciences Division

By Alexander C. Kafka

The university’s largest curricular reorganization in decades helps firm up its position among top-tier programs in the field.

Distance Education

Arizona State Will Give Uber Drivers in 8 Cities Free Tuition in Its Online Program

By Cailin Crowe

The partnership is among a growing number of tuition-free alliances between universities and corporations, including Google, FedEx, and Starbucks.


Economic Boom Isn’t Helping Some Student-Loan Debtors, Advocacy Group Says

By Chris Quintana

A survey amplifies a cry of pain from borrowers who have accumulated debt far above the average.

A New Report for Chronicle Readers

Idea Lab: Student Wellness

Colleges want students to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors. But the potential pitfalls for undergraduates are great: alcohol abuse, excessive partying, and a Greek culture that sometimes promotes dangerous behavior. This collection of articles outlines how leading institutions are making headway. Buy this Idea Lab collection today to help your students be healthier and safer.


The Chronicle Review

How Colleges Make Themselves Easy Targets premium

By Nicholas B. Dirks

Shutting down speech bolsters the university’s opponents.


Administration Was a Definite No, Until It Became a Yes

By Terry McGlynn

A professor who had always resisted the call takes his first steps on the administrative path.



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Job Opportunities

Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology (tenure-track) in Communication Sciences & Disorders, Baylor University
Texas, United States

Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology (tenure-track) in Communication Sciences & Disorders, Baylor University
Texas, United States

Tenure Track and Tenured Positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor Levels, Augusta University
Georgia, United States

Assistant Professor of Military & Strategic Studies, United States Air Force Academy
Colorado, United States

President, College for Creative Studies
Michigan, United States

Faculty Position in Cognition and Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience), Department of Psychology, New York University Arts and Science, New York University Arts and Science
New York, United States

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Education and Business Intelligence, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Office of the Chancellor
Pennsylvania, United States

Available Teaching Positions, Georgia State University Perimeter College
Georgia, United States

Dean of the College of Engineering, San Diego State University
California, United States

Associate Director for Residence Life - Academic Initiatives and Staff Training Programs, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
North Carolina, United States

Associate Director for Residence Life - Student Conduct and Leadership Programs, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
North Carolina, United States

Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Hamilton College
New York, United States

Tenured and tenure-track positions across all disciplines, Queen's University

Vice Chancellor for University Relations, University of Massachusetts Boston
Massachusetts, United States

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