Academe Today

Thursday, October 5, 2017

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The Chronicle Review: Teaching the Idea of America

Take Back the Ivory Tower premium

By Alice Dreger

It’s up to the academy to create citizens moved by more than tribe and gut.

The Crisis of Civic Education premium

By Derek Bok

Colleges have fallen short on one of their most important missions.

Democracy’s Disappearance

By Roosevelt Montás

Reversing the disintegration of the curriculum is the first step in restoring the American idea. 

The Essential English Department premium

By Geoffrey Galt Harpham

Divining the meaning of a text isn’t a frivolous act — it’s an essential skill in an enlightened democracy.

Today’s News


Should Universities Ban Single-Gender Discussion Panels? premium

By Julia Martinez

A recent move by a school at George Washington University raises the question of how to best encourage gender diversity at the events, whether on campuses or at academic conferences.

The Ticker

U. of North Texas President Tried to Stop Donald Trump Jr. From Speaking on Campus

The effort to cancel the appearance of the president’s son failed, even though students, faculty members, and alumni also voiced opposition.

The Ticker

Penn State Fraternity Is Suspended After Student Is Found Unconscious

The incident followed the death of a freshman at another fraternity’s initiation event in February.

A Year of Living Briefly

Your Daily Briefing

The Daily Briefing, an email that tells individual subscribers everything they need to know about higher ed, turned one year old this week. Here’s a sample.

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How to Make Money From Speaking Engagements

By Sam Johnson

A “tenured entrepreneur” offers advice on peddling your skills on the open market.


To Lighten the Regulatory Load, Focus on For-Profits

By Robert Shireman

Many of the rules burdening colleges were created to address the abuses resulting from for-profit colleges’ participation in federal financial-aid programs.

Lingua Franca

Sad React

Anne Curzan shares two new slang words that show the effects of electronically mediated communication on our speech.

Paid for and Created by International Baccalaureate
RAND Corp. Studies IB Student Outcomes
Findings show that students enrolled in the IB program increase their chances of graduating high school and enrolling in college.

Job Opportunities

Assistant Professor Hospitality and Tourism Management, CSU Sacramento - Dept. of Recreation, Parks & Tourism Administration
California, United States

Director of Research, Texas Association of Community Colleges
Texas, United States

ACADEMIC DIRECTOR AND CLINICAL ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, NYU School of Professional Studies, Division of Programs in Business, New York University School of Professional Studies
New York, United States

Assistant Professor Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (2 positions available), Boston College School of Social Work
Massachusetts, United States

Assistant Professor Digital Communication, University of California Santa Barbara
California, United States

Tools & Resources

Webinar: Negotiating an Academic Job Offer
Did you miss Vitae on Wednesday with Karen Kelsky? Fear not: The recording is for sale. You have more leverage than you think. Learn how to negotiate the best offer possible.

Free Dossier Service
Get organized with The Chronicle’s Vitae dossier service. Manage all of your professional documents in one convenient place — safely, securely, and at no cost. Applying for jobs online is simpler, saving you time and money. Start your free dossier.