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You can now read The Chronicle on Apple News, Flipboard, and Google News.
THE REVIEW | ESSAY By Richard Thompson Ford You can’t stop racial discrimination without considering race. SPECIAL REPORT A special report on the imperiled future of race-conscious admissions. LEADERSHIP By Megan Zahneis Jack Thomas, president of Ohio’s Central State University, has faced scrutiny over enrollment, online programs, and claims about his management style.
SPONSOR CONTENT | University of Miami
THE REVIEW | OPINION By Joshua Doležal We need realism, not bombast and bromides.
NEWSLETTER Find insights to improve teaching and learning across your campus. Delivered on Thursdays. To read this newsletter as soon as it sends, sign up to receive it in your email inbox.
Virtual Events: Tune In Live INNOVATION UPCOMING: May 18, 2023 | 2 p.m. ET. Join us for a discussion of chief innovation officers and their role in pushing higher education forward. With Support From AWS. Register here.
UPCOMING PROGRAM Join us in June for a virtual professional development program which will provide the space, time, and tools to help department chairs take on the challenges and opportunities of the role. Through workshops, high-level seminars, and individual development plans, chairs will think strategically about their departmental and institutional impact. Register today!
Views IN CASE YOU MISSED IT By Leonard Cassuto When you follow the graduate-school money, it leads to faculty offices, not student needs.
SPONSOR CONTENT | University of South Carolina Melissa Moss, a chemical and biomedical engineering professor at the University of South Carolina’s College of Engineering and Computing, is researching more effective therapeutics that would allow people to keep their memories longer.
FROM THE CHRONICLE STORE In 2022, Henderson State University declared financial exigency after realizing it could no longer avoid hard choices. This case study of the university’s path to near-ruin highlights lessons for any college leader contemplating a restructuring to keep an institution viable. Order your copy to learn about key factors to consider in a restructuring process.
CAREER RESOURCES Explore Career Resources, a new online destination to find career-related articles, advice, reports, events, and more designed to help you advance in your career.
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