Academe Today

Thursday, December 21, 2017

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Today’s News

Academic Freedom

Think You Know What Type of College Would Accept Charles Koch Foundation Money? Think Again premium

By Paul Basken

At some public regional universities, the foundation’s conservative politics have made it a tough sell. But a growing number of prestigious institutions now are among the top recipients of Koch funding.


What Colleges Need to Know About the Tax Overhaul Poised to Become Law

The legislation could discourage charitable giving, would tax some rich colleges’ endowments, would tax some top-paid workers at nonprofit organizations, and would limit a key revenue stream in major college sports.

Loan Debt

Education Dept. Approves New Wave of Students’ Claims Against Corinthian Colleges

By Adam Harris

The department announced on Wednesday that it had approved 12,900 requests for student-loan forgiveness from borrowers who said they had been defrauded by the now-shuttered for-profit college.


‘Dreamers’ Make Desperate Plea on Capitol Hill

By Julia Schmalz

In a day of marches, lobbying, and civil disobedience, undocumented students fight against time to make their case to Congress.



Welcome to the Jungle

By Jonathan Rees

Don’t cede the online-education terrain to people whose courses are nowhere nearly as good as your own.

Lingua Franca

Vulnerable Words and the CDC

If the dangerous thing about words is their ability, as Orwell put it, “to corrupt thought,” our mindfulness can help keep thoughts alive, says Lucy Ferriss.

Paid for and Created by IDP
Encouraging International Students to Come to U.S.
University of Central Missouri ramps up efforts to attract international students in the wake of travel ban.

Job Opportunities

Vice President for Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University
Iowa, United States

Associate Vice President for Planning, Strategy, & Effectiveness, North Idaho College
Idaho, United States

Research Computer Specialist, American National Election Studies (ANES), American National Election Studies (ANES)
Michigan, United States

Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Riverland Community College
Minnesota, United States

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ithaca College
New York, United States

Dean, School of Liberal Arts , Tulane University
Louisiana, United States

Faculty Position, Middle Eastern Studies, New York University Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor of Hospitality Finance , New York University School of Professional Studies
New York, United States

Multiple Positions, SUNY Delhi
New York, United States

Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University
Texas, United States

Tools & Resources

Webinar: Negotiating an Academic Job Offer
Did you miss Vitae on Wednesday with Karen Kelsky? Fear not: The recording is for sale. You have more leverage than you think. Learn how to negotiate the best offer possible.

Free Dossier Service
Get organized with The Chronicle’s Vitae dossier service. Manage all of your professional documents in one convenient place — safely, securely, and at no cost. Applying for jobs online is simpler, saving you time and money. Start your free dossier.