Academe Today

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

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Today’s News

Leadership & Governance

Walter Kimbrough’s Higher Calling premium

By Adam Harris

Black colleges need someone to carry their banner. This pastor’s son is stepping up.


What It Looks Like When a University Tries to Revoke a Professor’s Tenure premium

By Sarah Brown

A hearing transcript sheds light on the case of a former medical-school professor at Wayne State University, who, according to administrators, was doing "nothing."


Controversy at George Washington U. Highlights Challenges of Diving Deeply Into Online Education premium

By Beth McMurtrie

Online programs are nothing new, but many traditional colleges are still struggling with how to develop and run them effectively.


Russian-Linked Account That Targeted Professor Also Posted About Berkeley and DeVos

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz

The Twitter account, which helped fuel outrage against George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel University professor, tweeted about higher education several other times.

Special Report: Innovation in Teaching

10 Classroom Trailblazers

Meet some devoted faculty members who might spark your interest in taking risks and trying new things in class. 

Eric Saliim Puts Science Into Everyday Life premium

By Lawrence Biemiller

At North Carolina Central University, he uses cellphones and Snapchat to prove that research isn’t too complex for anyone.

Justin McDaniel Opens a Door to Contemplative Life premium

By Beckie Supiano

The religious-studies scholar at the University of Pennsylvania oversees a course that requires students to live like monks.

Exclusively for Subscribers

The Daily Briefing

The Daily Briefing tells individual subscribers everything they need to know about higher ed. Here’s a sample.


The Chronicle Review

An Open Letter to the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College

It was a mistake to invite a racist, xenophobic German philosopher and politician to your conference.

The Chronicle Review

The Mythology of Jackson State premium

By Patrick Chura

The 1970 shootings were about racist police brutality, not the Vietnam War.


Why Blogging Is Still Good for Your Career

By Terry McGlynn

Beyond public outreach, science blogs serve a far more important function within the profession itself.

Lingua Franca

Brawny, Bounty, and Puerto Rico

Bill Germano says President Trump’s paper-towel moment did not clean up any problems, for either the island or the White House.

Paid for and Created by Maryville University
Learning Designers Develop Online Courses
Maryville University employs a creative team dedicated to working with professors to develop online courses.

Job Opportunities

Assistant Professor in Ancient Art and Architecture of post-Bronze Age Greece or Rome, DEPARTMENT OF ART HISTORY, Arts and Science, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, New York University Arts and Science
New York, United States

Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Computing, Duke University
North Carolina, United States

Assistant Professor of 20th and 21st Century Postcolonial British Literatures, St. Lawrence University
New York, United States

DIRECTOR OF WRITING IN THE DISCIPLINES, Expository Writing Program, ARTS AND SCIENCE, New York University, New York University Arts and Science
New York, United States

University Librarian and Director, University of Colorado Denver- Auraria Library
Colorado, United States

Assistant Professor, Manufacturing Engineering, Western Washington University
Washington, United States

Director of Engineering Programs, Hanover College
Indiana, United States

Five Faculty Openings, University of Michigan School of Social Work
Michigan, United States

Tools & Resources

Webinar: Negotiating an Academic Job Offer
Did you miss Vitae on Wednesday with Karen Kelsky? Fear not: The recording is for sale. You have more leverage than you think. Learn how to negotiate the best offer possible.

Free Dossier Service
Get organized with The Chronicle’s Vitae dossier service. Manage all of your professional documents in one convenient place — safely, securely, and at no cost. Applying for jobs online is simpler, saving you time and money. Start your free dossier.