Academe Today

Friday, August 17, 2018

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Today’s News

Scholarly Journals

Why Does Publishing Higher-Ed Research Take So Long?

By Alexander C. Kafka

One leading journal has a two-year backlog and has halted submissions. Scholars wonder what this means about the state of their field.

Sexual Misconduct

Battle Over Alleged Harassment Escalates as Former Graduate Student Sues Professor and NYU

By Katherine Mangan

Nimrod Reitman said that while she was his Ph.D. adviser, Avital Ronell “repeatedly and forcefully” kissed and groped him. Meanwhile, a petition is demanding that one of her most prominent defenders step down as the MLA’s president-elect.


Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

By Sarah Brown

Some are adding notes to course syllabi, but vast confusion exists over their duties, as a viral tweet suggested this week.

Virtual Sports

U. of Akron Will Phase Out 80 Degree Programs and Open New Esports Facilities

By Emma Pettit

The institution is calling its three new centers the “largest” devoted to video gaming at any college in the world.


New York U.’s School of Medicine Goes Tuition-Free

By Teghan Simonton

All medical students will receive scholarships covering the cost of their education regardless of need or merit.


How One University Tries to Make Its Teaching Training Stick

A course at the University of California at Irvine features role-playing, discussions, and classroom observations, all guided by research.

A New Report for Chronicle Readers

Leadership Insights: Innovation

Our latest booklet aims to help college leaders build a culture of innovation on their campuses. It includes examples of how colleges are developing and implementing new approaches; tips on what it takes to be an innovative president; and ways to look for ideas outside of higher ed. Buy your copy in the new Chronicle Store.



How to Value Labor in Digital Projects

Jason Jones highlights the DLF’s Research Agenda on Valuing Labor in Digital Libraries, a valuable way to begin recognizing more clearly the labor at stake in such projects and institutions.

Lingua Franca

Learning Useless English Grammar in Japan

A teacher of English sends Geoff Pullum some puzzling exam questions on an arcane corner of grammar. Japanese students are not just drilled on such sentences, he finds, but examined on them in crucial university admission tests.

Paid for and Created by University of Exeter
The Plastic Plague
Marine biologists at the University of Exeter tackle plastic pollution.

Job Opportunities

Staff Psychiatrist, Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia, United States

Professor & Head, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, University of Iowa, College of Public Health
Iowa, United States

Vice-Chancellor, The University of Roehampton
United Kingdom

Political Science Professor - Open Rank, New York University Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Manager, Distance Learning & Educational Services, West Virginia Network
West Virginia, United States

Assistant Professor Position in Architectural Engineering, Oregon State University
Oregon, United States

Faculty Director, Master of Science in Healthcare Management, Indiana University Bloomington
Indiana, United States

Assistant or Associate Professor of Urban Education, Connecticut College
Connecticut, United States

Tools & Resources

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