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THE INVISIBLE HURDLE Why Transferring Credits Can Be One of Higher Ed’s Most Stubborn Barriers By Scott Carlson Bureaucracy, institutional self-interest, and seemingly minor systemic snags can make moving from community college through a four-year institution almost unbearably difficult. ADVERTISEMENT STRATEGY SHIFT ‘Ding Dong, the Witch Is Dead’: Change in ‘U.S. News’ Metrics Prompts a Rethinking of Alumni Giving By Francie Diep The magazine is dropping alumni-giving rates from its rankings formula, which had encouraged lots of small-dollar donations. What will fund raisers focus on now? POSTSECONDARY PERCEPTIONS Confidence in Higher Ed Is Declining. But Most People Still Think College Is Worth It. By Emma Hall A New America survey released Wednesday found that a majority of Americans “see the benefits” of earning a degree despite the cost.
SPONSOR CONTENT | Canon A New Media Landscape Offers Both Tremendous Opportunities and Challenges
RACE ON CAMPUS Four Ways Colleges Can Help Minority Applicants By Katherine Mangan Colleges can no longer consider race as a factor in admissions. But they can change some of their admissions practices to take into account the experiences of marginalized students. HONORS Senior at Howard U. Wins The Chronicle’s 2023 Scholarship for Diversity in Media The $10,000 award, given to an exceptional undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a concentration in journalism, went to Jasper Smith.
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Virtual Events: Tune In Live RETHINKING STUDENT RECORDS UPCOMING: August 16, 2023 | 2 p.m. ET: For years, tech experts have anticipated a new kind of transcript that would work more like a digital wallet, collecting credits, credentials, and skills. Join us to learn more. Register here. TRANSFER STUDENTS Transforming Transfer Policies UPCOMING: August 17, 2023 | 2 p.m. ET: This forum will feature experts sharing their thoughts on how colleges can better support transfer students’ journey to a four-year degree. With Support From Ascendium. Register here. Chronicle Festival: The Ideas Shaping Higher Ed UPCOMING: August 29-31 | 12:30 p.m. ET: How can colleges embrace new partnerships and approaches, put students at the center, and deliver on the value of a degree? Join this year’s festival and hear from top thinkers and leaders about ideas that will reshape colleges. Register here.
UPCOMING PROGRAM Join us in September for a professional development program tailored to the needs of midcareer faculty. Experienced academic leaders and faculty members will provide insights on the diverse professional paths that might be taken by faculty members in this one-day virtual program. Register today!
Views IN CASE YOU MISSED IT How to Make Your Teaching More Engaging By Sarah Rose Cavanagh Stimulate your students’ curiosity — and help them learn — using the tried-and-true techniques in this comprehensive guide.
SPONSOR CONTENT | Dell Tackling One of the Biggest Threats in Higher Ed 64% of higher-ed institutions globally were affected by ransomware in 2021. Discover how colleges and universities are responding in the latest case study.
FROM THE CHRONICLE STORE In 2022, Henderson State University declared financial exigency after realizing it could no longer avoid hard choices. This case study of the university’s path to near-ruin highlights lessons for any college leader contemplating a restructuring to keep an institution viable. Order your copy to learn about key factors to consider in a restructuring process.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Assistant Professor in the Anthropology of Japan Harvard University Executive Director, Student Financial Services and Compliance University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Tenure-Track Faculty in Chemical Engineering Bucknell University
CAREER RESOURCES Read this month's collection about new beginnings — first impressions, settling in at a new job, and thinking about what could be next.
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