This is a EnterpriseMarketingNews Sponsor Update
In the race to drive customer growth and retention, nothing beats account-based marketing (ABM.) But on the road to success, there are many hurdles.

One of the biggest roadblocks to winning with ABM is access to data and the ability to leverage that data for increased insight and account selection.

With insights from more than 100 B2B marketers, The Art of the Start, includes tips from sales and marketing leaders who have successfully executed their own ABM campaigns.

Highlights include:

  • The State of ABM - how B2B companies currently address ABM
  • Data Challenges - what is impeding starting a program, how companies view their ability to use data strategically
  • Tips from the Experts - practical advice gleaned from interviews with B2B marketing leaders

Download the eBook to learn how a strong data strategy will help get you to the finish line.

Get Ready. Set. Go!

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