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Dear ACDIS Friends,

ACDIS is moving ahead with plans for its 2021 annual conference slated for Dallas, Texas, next May 17-20 and we’re excited to open the call for speaker proposals.

Click on this link to begin your submission. ACDIS staff and events committee have already begun reviewing applications, so get yours in today. The deadline for your application is end of day Thursday, Oct. 15.

We need your willingness to share your experiences, to share your expertise, to share your stories about the challenges you’ve faced and the steps you’ve taken to overcome them with your CDI colleagues on the national stage.

We’ll be working to provide the excellent education and community building for this in-person event that those in the CDI profession have come to expect. But we’ll also be building contingency plans should the pandemic proliferate and make physical distancing a continued concern next spring. If your session can’t be presented live it will be considered for virtual programming—so please apply!

Please take this quick, 10-question survey to help us better understand your and your organization’s 2021 travel and education plans.

We appreciate your help and your support for the CDI profession.

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