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ACDIS membership includes access to industry thought leaders. Leaders who make themselves available to answer the CDI community’s most pressing concerns. Most recently, ACDIS Director Brian Murphy joins the ACDIS Advisory Board for its Quarterly Membership Call featuring 13 frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to documentation and coding for COVID-19 and related diagnoses. Questions such as:
  • What are the biggest documentation opportunities for the CDI to look for with COVID-19?
  • What are the greatest documentation improvement opportunities related to secondary chronic health conditions identified in COVID-19-positive patients?
  • If hospitals are losing money during this pandemic, and CDI staff have been instructed to avoid sending queries if DRG is already optimized, how does the program continue to justify its role?
  • Are you doing them for telehealth/virtual visits? If so, what do these processes entail, and what successes have you had (or obstacles have you overcome)?
Each call qualifies for one (1) Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist (CCDS) continuing education credit and every call is recorded and posted to the ACDIS website. So, not only to ACDIS members get access to best practice advice and breaking CDI news, but also the information and materials they need to maintain their certification.
If you’re ACDIS member, listen to the recording today: https://acdis.org/resources/quarterly-conference-call-may-21-2020. Not a member? Why wait! Join the only association dedicated to the clinical documentation integrity profession and advance your CDI practices, advance your CDI career.


Have questions? Call615-724-7200for assistance!

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