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Let your voice be heard: How can ACDIS help you in 2021?

You know ACDIS’ mission statement: It’s to serve as the premier healthcare community for clinical documentation specialists, providing a medium for education, professional growth, program recognition, and networking.

Everything we do—every article we write, every resource we create—gets filtered through this.

And here’s the thing, the way we know what will serve you well, what will fuel your professional growth and help you mature your program, is simple: You tell us, and we listen.

ACDIS offers a formal way to provide feedback once annually through the membership survey. The deadline for participation is this Friday, February 19.

Survey results led us to launch new outpatient resources, to expand our pediatric training, to develop resources for brand-new CDI specialists and CDI leaders.

We value your feedback and take your thoughts seriously. ACDIS is your association and we want to make sure we’re serving you well, living up to our mission statement.

If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to respond to our 2021 membership survey. It should take you about 10 minutes to complete. In appreciation, those who respond will be entered to win a free ACDIS membership (or renewal).

Best regards,

Linnea Archibald 
Associate Editorial Director