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Issue #1
25 January 2023

ACECQA Newsletter Issue 1 2023
Children watering a garden
CEO foreword

ACECQA CEO, Gabrielle Sinclair, invites you to read our first newsletter of 2023. Featuring articles on updates to the national approved learning frameworks, new transportation requirements for centre based services from 1 March 2023, free national resources to support understanding of the Disability Discrimination ACT 1992 (DDA), NQF induction eLearning modules and resources for new families at services.

Updates to national approved learning frameworks
Updates to national approved learning frameworks

All state and territory Education Ministers have now approved updates to Australia’s two national approved learning frameworks.

New transportation requirements for centre based services from 1 March 2023
New transportation requirements for centre based services from
1 March 2023

Changes to the National Regulations have now been made and we have published new guidance information and resources on the ACECQA website.

Innovation – DDA Resources
Innovation – DDA Resources

New resources are available to support service teams to build understanding of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) requirements and so support inclusion in education and care services.

NQF Induction Modules
NQF Induction Modules

ACECQA has produced a suite of National Quality Framework (NQF) professional development eLearning modules that are an ideal induction resource for new teachers and educators or as a refresher for existing staff. Keep your service details up to date to help families find you in 2023 Keep your service details up to date to help families find you in 2023 is a useful hub of information and resources on children’s early education and care. Find out more on how can you help your child settle into an service and transition of your child to school.

Copyright © 2023 The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Level 6, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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