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Issue #11
27 November 2017

ACECQA Newsletter Issue 11 2017
Changes to the Excellent rating

A number of changes have been made to the Excellent rating following the amendments to the NQF and ACECQA’s review of the criteria, commencing from 1 February 2018.

Viewing excellence as a process, not a result

How can we think about excellence as an enriching process rather than a final result? Read more in this month's We Hear You blog. 

Three-quarters of education and care services rated Meeting NQS or above

The latest NQF Snapshot provides information and analysis on the profile of our sector.

Revised NQS commences 1 February 2018

With the revised NQS coming into effect on 1 February 2018, we have a variety of resources to help you understand the changes and prepare.

New guidance on documenting programs for children

Read up on the changes to documentation requirements for OSHC in some states and territories, and new guidance for all services.

24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years

The Australian Government has launched its first national guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep.

Evaluating the National Quality Framework

In collaboration with the Australian, state and territory governments, we have developed an evaluation framework for the NQF.

Extension of staffing transitional provisions reminder

The Education Council has agreed to extend five transitional provisions in the National Regulations relating to staffing requirements.

SkillsIQ training package review

SkillsIQ is seeking your input into its review of six children’s education and care qualifications.

Copyright © 2017 The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Level 6, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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