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Issue #7
31 July 2023

ACECQA Newsletter Issue 7 2023
CEO foreword

ACECQA CEO, Gabrielle Sinclair, invites you to read our latest newsletter featuring articles on National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, NQF changes taking effect from 1 October, the NQA ITS portal and the latest updates for families.

Reducing complexity - new portal goes live

Our National Quality Agenda IT System (NQA ITS) is now the single portal for provider and service approval applications.

National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day

Coming up on 4 August, this year’s theme is ‘Little Voices, Loud Futures’.

Review of NQF Staffing and Qualifications Regulations

We’ve been commissioned to undertake this review on behalf of all governments and the online survey is open until 4 August.

EYLF V2.0 and MTOP V2.0 - new support material

We’ve published new information sheets for services.

Understanding the Disability Discrimination Act

The final set of DDA resources have now been released.

Outdoor safety

We’ve published a new information sheet outlining guidance for services.

NQF changes taking effect from 1 October 2023

New and updated guidance is available to support services and providers.

Exceeding the NQS

ACECQA guidance and resources are available to support services on their Exceeding journey.

National Workforce Strategy Online Dashboard

Published in July, this is tracking progress of Shaping Our Future actions.

New free OSHC resources and training available

These are available online now.

Talking to families about documentation

When thinking about how you discuss documentation with families, consider how well they understand it’s purpose and intent.

Red Nose Day

The 35th annual Red Nose Day is taking place on 11 August 2023.

CBCA Book Week 2023 – Read, Grow and Inspire

From 19 August, children’s education and care services, public libraries, schools and the wider community are encouraged to spend one week celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators.

Significant Days of August

Services may wish to plan celebrations with families and communities.

Copyright © 2023 The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Level 14, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010

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