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Issue #8
24 August 2023

ACECQA Newsletter Issue 8 2023
CEO foreword

ACECQA CEO, Gabrielle Sinclair, invites you to read our latest newsletter featuring articles on changes to the NQF from 1 October 2023, children's health and safety, the latest NQF Snapshot, and the latest updates for families.

Changes to the NQF

New and updated guidance is available to support services and providers.

Bassinets prohibited in services from 1 October 2023

Bassinets will no longer be allowed on the premises of any education and care service, including when families drop off and pick up their children.

Creating child safe organisations

The National Office for Child Safety has a wide range of resources.

Early Childhood Educators' Day

Celebrate the professionals in early education and after school hours care on 6 September.

Persons with management or control of a service

From 1 July 2023, the definition of person with management or control (PMC) of a service will change.

Quality family day care

Two-thirds (66%) of family day care services are rated Meeting NQS or above – the highest proportion since ratings were first published.

Updating ANZSCO to align with the National Quality Framework

ACECQA was one of more than 190 submissions received by ANZSCO who have now released their Consultation Round 1 Preliminary Proposed Changes paper.

We Hear You blog

Highlighting key findings on educational leadership from the Quality Leadership and Positionality project by Curtin University.

R U OK? Day - Educator Wellbeing

14 September 2023 presents the opportunity to start valuable conversations about mental health and wellbeing.

Documenting your child's progress

This new resource helps families understand what quality documentation looks like.

Significant Days of September

Key dates services may wish to recognise

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