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Issue #9
25 September 2017

ACECQA Newsletter Issue 9 2017
New Guide to the National Quality Framework

In partnership with all governments, we have published a new guide with a fresh, updated look and format to support the education and care sector to understand and implement the NQF.

The revised National Quality Standard: Key concepts

Did you know the revised NQS from 1 February 2018 introduces concepts for each element and standard to help strengthen our understanding?

Extension of transitional provisions for staffing arrangements

Several transitional provisions in the National Regulations relating to staffing and qualifications arrangements are to be extended.

Promote your NQS rating to families and the community

Have you requested your NQS rating logo? Start the conversation about ratings with your families and community.

Sleep and rest policies

If you’re looking for information and guidance about developing or updating your sleep and rest policy, we can help.

NQA IT System maintenance

We will be performing maintenance on the NQA ITS from 6pm Friday 29 September to Sunday 1 October 2017.

Online forms required for education and care providers

From 1 October 2017, providers will need to submit forms to their regulatory authority via the NQA ITS.

Copyright © 2017 The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Level 6, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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