Hardback copies of Jim Rickards’ book — The Road to Ruin — are going fast…
Daily Reckoning

Dear Reader,

Hardback copies of Jim Rickards’ book — The Road to Ruin  are going fast…

I’m not surprised, seeing as we’re practically giving them away.

Remember, for a limited time, you can claim a copy of this bestselling book just for the cost of shipping it to you!

To let me know where to post your copy, go here.

Why do you even need this book?

It reveals what Jim believes is the global elite’s secret plan to block access to YOUR MONEY when the next financial crisis hits.

And it shows you how you could protect your wealth before it gets shut down by the authorities in the event of a crash.

I know it might sound farfetched. But just remember, we’re talking about a guy trusted by top brass in the US government and military to brief them on financial wargames and crisis scenarios.

He knows these people. He moves in their circles.

And he knows — because he’s spoken to the people who pull the strings — what’s likely to happen in the event of a new and devastating financial crisis.

This is his warning to you.

Don’t let it go unheeded!

Confirm your shipping address right now and I’ll put a copy of The Road to Ruin in the post to you right away.

Please do this today. Remember — we’ve a TOTAL of 2,000 books to send out. And this invitation is going to more than 100,000 readers.


Jim Rickards Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Daily Reckoning Australia