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AM edition, Sunday, February 7, 2021
Good morning, Canberra. We're in for a mostly sunny Sunday with a top of 27 degrees. Here's what's making news today.

It's pup, pup and away for Kyrgios family

Nill Kyrgios and her husband George have made their annual pilgrimage to Melbourne, and this time around they're taking two special guests.

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ACT pop-up sites key to managing future testing

The ACT government is also exploring options to shift the Exhibition Park drive-through test site to free up the site for events.

ACT's bushfire smoke losses 'ignored' by govt

Canberra's peak business body wants to see the government extend bushfire support to ACT companies impacted by the heavy smoke.

Junior doctor training expanded online

For the junior doctors at Canberra Hospital, professional development continued throughout much of 2020, but in a very different way.

'Democracy in action' saved Cooleman Ct park

Greens member for Murrumbidgee Emma Davidson threatened to cross the floor in the Legislative Assembly if the carpark plan wasn't withdrawn.

Indigenous treaty funds in ACT budget for first time

More ambitious targets for reducing the rate of Indigenous incarceration and recidivism in the ACT need to be on the agenda, Andrew Barr says.

Canberra's wet weather to clear for new week

The city was hit with heavy rain late on Friday evening and well into Saturday morning with Canberra Airport receiving 31 millimetres.


A sad victim of the tall puppy syndrome

Opinion: The tall poppy syndrome shamefully explains why a growing part of me is rooting for Bluey's demise, writes B. R. Doherty.

Tiny homes provide room to breathe

With COVID continually seeing different parts of the world go into lockdown, how does tiny house living stack up during a pandemic?

Fighting fit: Papalii's hectic pre-season

Subscriber: Raiders star Josh Papalii's imposing frame serves as a warning shot to boxing opponent Ben Hannant and rival NRL sides.

I'm pickin' up good vibrations

Opinion: With a week left before Valentine's Day, Karen Hardy asks is it possible for her to manifest more love?

Times Past

It's the kind of thing you would think only happened in movies. But in Canberra, 55 years ago a nun woke to find a baby girl wrapped in newspapers left on a convent door step.  READ MORE
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