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AM edition, Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Good morning, Canberra. We're in for a top of 14 today with showers likely on the way in the afternoon and evening. Here are your headlines.

Meet Larry and Barry, Berridale's traffic-stopping celebrity bison

When the ski season starts shortly, Larry and Barry have to move out of sight. Their celebrity status is too much for passing drivers.

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Top stories

Roberts-Smith war crime claims 'ludicrous'

Allegations war hero Ben Roberts-Smith unlawfully killed Afghans have been labelled ludicrous on the first day of a defamation lawsuit.

'Biggest vaccine week' to come, Delta saga goes on

The government is projecting the next million coronavirus vaccine doses will be administered in fewer than nine days.

ACT government's speed camera botch-up revealed

Subscriber: Canberra drivers have paid tens of thousands in speeding fines despite the govt admitting to a mistake in its internal processes.

Yes, public servants are moving back to the office

Subscriber: Fewer than one in 10 public servants continue to work exclusively from home following comments made by the PM.

Airport boss: business to boost staff vaccine uptake

Stephen Byron has made contact with more than 350 businesses, detailing the airport's approach to improving vaccine uptake.

South Coast to have large ageing population by 2061

The impact of Covid also means the NSW population will be 4 per cent smaller than it would have been if the pandemic never took place.
Updated by 7am weekdays.
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The hunt for a well-done steak continues in ACT

Food & Wine | Review: I'm not sure why a restaurant would go to the trouble of sourcing quality steak, only to mask its flavour. 

Kokomo's no-no gives Timoko a go-go in centres

Subscriber: Opportunity knocks for Raiders young gun Matthew Timoko after the club stood down Curtis Scott for his alleged bar fight.

International supply chains are safer than you think

Subscriber | Opinion: Reducing Australia's reliance on imported goods and components is mostly unnecessary, writes Adam Triggs.

Driving force inspires Canberra-born designer

What do an SUV and a skirt made out of recycled materials have in common?

Times Past

Featuring on the front page of The Canberra Times on this day 42 years ago was an article outlining mistakes by Canberra nurses under stress due to understaffing. Nursing aides were doing the work of registered nurses and nurses could not give patients the adequate care they needed.  READ MORE
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