March 21, 2020
Greetings. Here’s the latest from the MIT community.
For updates on MIT’s response to the Covid-19 emergency, visit

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Taking Action
“Is all this disruption really necessary? We believe the answer is yes,” MIT President L. Rafael Reif and counterparts Lawrence Bacow ’72 of Harvard University and Marc Tessier-Lavigne of Stanford University write in The New York Times, on the “painful steps” needed to address Covid-19. “The time to act is right now.”
Top Headlines
Updates to the MIT community regarding Covid-19
MIT’s response to the Covid-19 emergency continues to evolve. Updates from the past week include news about MIT Medical’s pandemic response, MIT employee health insurance, emergency academic regulations, donations of personal protective equipment, guidance for international scholars, and more.
Covid-19 diagnostic based on MIT technology might be tested on patient samples soon
A variety of MIT research projects could aid efforts to detect and prevent the spread of coronavirus.
MIT Heat Island
How to manage the hidden risks in remote work
Remote work can work. But without careful attention, productivity and sound decision-making will suffer.
MIT Heat Island
Early warning of disease exposure could improve public health responses
Lincoln Laboratory researchers explore the impact of technology that detects a person’s exposure to disease-causing pathogens before symptoms manifest.
MIT Heat Island
Letter regarding solidarity and support for the community
President L. Rafael Reif sent a letter expressing gratitude and admiration to the MIT community March 16.
MIT Heat Island
In the Media
What to let the kids watch when you’re all stuck at home // The Wall Street Journal
Scratch — a free programming language developed at MIT that allows children to program their own interactive stories, games, and animations — is highlighted in a roundup of some of the best options for high-quality screen time.
How touching your face can spread viruses — and why you’re so bad at avoiding it // STAT
MIT researchers demonstrate how washing your hands at the airport can aid in effectively curbing the spread of disease.
For math fans, nothing can spoil Pi Day — except maybe Tau Day // The Wall Street Journal
Stuart Schmill, dean of MIT Admissions and Student Financial Services, discusses the Institute’s tradition of releasing admissions decisions on Pi Day.
Covid-19: Now we know what it’s like to be old and alone // Forbes
Joseph Coughlin, director of the AgeLab, writes that social distancing “can serve as an exercise in empathy (albeit an imperfect one), permitting younger people to appreciate some of what many older adults go through every day.”
How-to Guide
Social distancing, self-monitoring, self-quarantine: You’ve probably been hearing these terms a lot this week but might not know what they mean, or if and when to practice them. A new resource developed by MIT Medical, including an action map and guide, may help you make important behavioral decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Love in the Time of Corona
In her recent MIT Admissions blog post, junior Afeefah K. describes support for students leaving campus on short notice: “The people at MIT are freaking amazing y’all and I really couldn’t ask for a better place to be kicked out of.”
I am exhausted. We all are. To those of you trying to keep it together for your staff, students, family, etc. — I see you. Mad respect. I just took 15 minutes to close my door and cry. Not looking for sympathy, just want to normalize it. None of us can be superhuman right now.
—Chris Bourg, director of the MIT Libraries, on the importance of self care during extraordinary times
This edition of the MIT Weekly was brought to you by Spongebob in every MIT major. 🦀

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—MIT News Office
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