Dear Reader,

Your opportunity to receive Monday’s ‘big six’ Australian trade alerts ends at 3pm today (find out what they are here).

I need to get an accurate headcount so that I can tell our technical people what provisions to make.

This is a big deal for our business, and I want to make sure it all goes off without a hitch.

So, if you were thinking about registering, please help me out and do it right now. (Click the link below to get more information.)

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION CLOSING AT 3PM TODAY

There’s still time!


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Rum Rebellion

PS: Did I tell you that there’s no charge whatsoever for any of the above? Let me be ultra-clear about that: Registration costs you nothing. There’s no financial commitment required.

To register your interest now, go here, right away:

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION CLOSING AT 3PM TODAY