Hi, Rachelle here...

Today is the last day to enroll in TinkerLab Schoolhouse!

AKA the first day of the rest of your creative life!

Picture yourself 5 days from now. It’s Friday morning, you have a mug of hot coffee or mint tea in your hands, and a focussed art-making experience is happening on the other side of the table.

You've been setting up art projects for your child all week and it's going so well!

You've hardly spent any time gathering materials, your child is highly engaged and they take projects in unexpected and wildly creative directions, and you feel deeply satisfied by this magical scene that feels straight out of a movie.

You’re suddenly an art education rock star, and a new chapter in your life has begun.

If you’re ready to:

then Schoolhouse is your key to making that happen.

>> Click here to enroll in Schoolhouse today!

Katherine used Schoolhouse to save time researching projects so she could focus on the fun stuff…

And Danae used Schoolhouse and saw her children grow in their abilities to problem solve and overcome challenges…

More time to enjoy their families and witness the creative growth of their kids - without more overwhelm, anxiety and frustration?

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Want to experience this for yourself?

Join TinkerLab Schoolhouse now!

Still have questions? I love this program so much and want to give you every opportunity to join and get those questions answered.

So I'll be super frank and dish out some answers that can help you decide if Schoolhouse is right for you.

Q: What is Schoolhouse REALLY about?

Schoolhouse is an art membership program for kids that's perfect for time-starved families and teachers who want to quickly dive into creative, open-ended, process art experiences that children love. Our members have shared they've seen transformations their children as a result of being part of Schoolhouse: things like self-initiating art activities (with no parent help!), having meaningful family connections, increased creative confidence, and improved parenting and teaching moments.

Q: Is Schoolhouse right for me if my child is 15 months old?

As much as I'd love to say "yes!" you should probably wait until your child is three to really enjoy this program. However, if you're longing to learn how to set up really great art experiences now and want to be a step ahead when you hit that milestone age, by all means, join me! I'd love to have your company and support your creative efforts.

Q: I'm going on vacation during the membership. Will I still be able to jump in when we get back?

Absolutely! For our full-access members, the content will be yours as long as your membership is active, and you can tap into it at any time. Aside from videos, most of the materials will also be downloadable so you can even take the content with you to the beach.

Q: Will I have to spend tons of money on art supplies?

Oh my goodness, no!

If you have absolutely nothing to begin with, then you'll want to make an initial investment in some basic supplies (think: paper, glue, paint, brushes). I'll give you a list, so don't worry. If you already have some basics, I'll add a few options on top of that. However, I believe that children don't need fancy supplies to get creative, so the materials will be, for the most part, simple.

Q: Will this be worth my time?

Yessssss! Frankly, I wouldn't be teaching it if I didn't think you'd get a ton out of it. Not only are the prompts fun and truly appealing to children, butparents, guardians, and teachers get tons out of it, too. As an arts educator with 20+ years teaching experience, I'll share my favorite time-tested tips and tricks for connected with your child through art. You'll feel the difference immediately.

Q: How long do I have to decide?

Not long! The doors close today (May 1) at 11:59 pm. We are down to the wire! Click here to sign up before time runs out!

Q: What if I want a refund?

No worries! I really want you to be happy with this decision, so give it a test drive and let me know within 3 days if it's not a good fit and and I'll be happy to refund you. Easy, right?

Q: What else will I get in this membership?

So much! I included everything in this program that I would want if I were a member. You'll get weekly supply lists, downloadable activity pages, art lessons in the form of bite-sized video lessons and downloadable PDFs, art recipes, Spotify playlists that will get you moving while you make, insights on how to set up successful art experiences, a library of 280+ (and growing) art experiences, and more.

Click here to join TinkerLab Schoolhouse today!



PS - Registration for Schoolhouse is only available until May 1 at 11:59 pm. Join now!