The Active Commuter Hub Opens its Doors to the Public

The Active Commuter Hub, located on the lower level of the new Schnuck Pavilion on the East End of the Danforth Campus, is opening its doors to the WashU community! Staff, faculty, students, and basic service contractor employees can now sign up to become a member of the Active Commuter Hub to use the showers and lockers available in the space. The Active Commuter Hub aims to support the WashU community commuting by bike, foot, public transit, or other active transportation by providing a place to shower, change, and get ready before the workday. The Hub is also accessible to people wanting to exercise over breaks or lunchtime. Prospective users must fill out the application form before December 15 to enter the lottery. Members will be able to access the space on January 2. More >>

Bring Energy Efficiency Home
The latest addition to our extensive library of resources, this new guide provides tons of easily implementable tips for individuals to increase energy efficiency and sustainable living at home, on everything from thermostats to outlets, laundry and cleaning products. More >>
Sustainable Flowers & Florists
Imported flowers have significant environmental and social impacts. Less common locally sourced or third-party certified flowers offer alternatives. Green event resources now feature tools to encourage sustainable flower sourcing, thanks to Sustainability Exchange students. More>>
Student Delegates in Madrid for COP25
For the ninth consecutive year, a delegation of WashU students is attending the Conference of the Parties, where global leaders discuss how to best respond to climate change. Follow @wustlatcop on Fb for daily updates and perspectives about the negotiations! More >>
Striking for Our Future
The Global Climate Strike rallied an estimated 7.6 million people between September 20th & 27th. Brianna Chandler, a first-year student associate at the Office of Sustainability, emceed the St. Louis strike. She recounts her experience and shares insights on climate activism. More>>
Land, Food, and Climate in One Report
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recently released a special report titled “Climate Change and Land” that documents the impact of land use on climate change and vice versa, but also its role as one of Earth’s most important carbon sinks. More>>
Sustainability Internships Available
The Environment, Energy and Sustainability Internship program offers a dozen open positions for the spring of 2020. This multi-stakeholder program places students in research and project teams, while providing professional development and enrichment training. More >>
Sustainability Exchange Reception
Date: December 5, 3 - 4:30p
Location: Green Hall Atrium
Students will be displaying the deliverables of their semester-long projects. Please stop by and enjoy refreshments (with pie & cider!) More >>
Zero Waste Moonlight Breakfast
Date: December 10, 10p - 12a
Location: Bears Den, South 40
This free late night breakfast offered by WashU Dining to undergrad students needs volunteers to ensure the event is truly zero waste! More >>
Teach-In on Environmental Justice 
December 6, 12 -1:30p, Siegle 109
Join Fossil Free WashU, Anthropology Professor Bret Gustafson, Sunrise Movement member Allie Lindstrom, and Brown School student Abaki Beck to discuss divestment. More >>
Holiday Craft Night
Date: December 11, 7 - 9p
Location: Star Clipper, 1319 Washington Ave
An evening of recycled crafting with Perennial to create several holiday-centric crafts such as envelopes, cards, and coasters. More >>
Apply for a Sustainability Internship
The Environment, Energy and Sustainability Internship program offers a dozen open positions for the spring  with our office, community organizations (through Environmental Studies), and WUCCP. Apply by Dec 9! More>>
Nominate Sustainability Leaders
Nominated by peers, awardees of the  WashU Sustainability Leadership Awards consist of both people and projects who exemplify leadership in a range of areas of sustainability. Nominations accepted through Dec 18! More>>
Become an Impact Organizer
Part of the Public Interest Network, Impact organizes to win positive change, for our environment, our health and our future. Both interns and paid organizers are needed to lead advocacy and campaigns. More>>
Subscribe to the Green Jobs newsletter
Green Jobs Network is a global community of professionals dedicated to environmental and social impact. A great resource to browse environmental and social impact jobs, organized by location, categories, or posted date. More>>
The Office of Sustainability newsletter is intended as a clearinghouse of sustainability-related news and events at the university, in the region and around the world. Listings in the newsletter do not necessarily represent Office of Sustainability endorsements or views. To submit an event or news item to include in the newsletter, email

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