Fake news that’s good for the soul; Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.; I’m a transgender Christian in North Carolina. My faith should not stop at the bathroom door.; C.S. Lewis predicted Donald Trump;
Acts of Faith
Religion headlines that matter
As United Methodist Church heads toward vote on gay marriage, one pastor stakes his claim
The Michigan minister has been sleeping in a tent for more than 100 days to protest his church's position.
Fake news that’s good for the soul
It's like The Onion for the godly.
Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.
The Washington Post's Acts of Faith offers breaking and ongoing news, analysis and opinion about major religion stories.
I’m a transgender Christian in North Carolina. My faith should not stop at the bathroom door.
My home state just adopted a law that would make bathrooms even scarier for trans people. The God I believe in is vast enough to include everyone.
C.S. Lewis predicted Donald Trump
Trump is exactly what the theologian and children's novelist predicted would happen when patriotism runs amok.
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