C.S. Lewis predicted Donald Trump; When you’re facing infertility, a synagogue can be the most painful place to go. Let’s change that.; How Mother Angelica fought through painful illness to become a female broadcasting titan; Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.;
Acts of Faith
Religion headlines that matter
I’m a transgender Christian in North Carolina. My faith should not stop at the bathroom door.
My home state just adopted a law that would make bathrooms even scarier for trans people. The God I believe in is vast enough to include everyone.
C.S. Lewis predicted Donald Trump
Trump is exactly what the theologian and children's novelist predicted would happen when patriotism runs amok.
When you’re facing infertility, a synagogue can be the most painful place to go. Let’s change that.
If we value all members of our community -- single or married, parents or not -- we must reflect that in our actions.
How Mother Angelica fought through painful illness to become a female broadcasting titan
When she died on Easter Sunday at 92, she was the only woman in the history of broadcast television who had founded and led a cable network as CEO and show host for 20 years.
Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.
The Washington Post's Acts of Faith offers breaking and ongoing news, analysis and opinion about major religion stories.
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