Pope Francis names first American and first woman as his No. 1 and No. 2 spokespeople; America’s current violence can be traced to Christians’ failures; Gen. Robert E. Lee is his namesake ancestor. On Sunday, he’ll preach about the evils of racism.; Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.;
Acts of Faith
Religion headlines that matter
Muslim comics have a special purpose this year, and Trump is their punch line
ID cards, international bans, mosque surveillance -- for Muslim comics, Trump fodder is endless
Pope Francis names first American and first woman as his No. 1 and No. 2 spokespeople
The Vatican is pulling its communications infrastructure into the 21st Century
America’s current violence can be traced to Christians’ failures
Unless the Church steps forward, our country will keep spiraling downward into the depths of fear and hate.
Gen. Robert E. Lee is his namesake ancestor. On Sunday, he’ll preach about the evils of racism.
"I challenge other clergy to say the names 'Alton Sterling' and 'Philando Castile' in worship this weekend," said Rob Lee.
Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.
The Washington Post's Acts of Faith offers breaking and ongoing news, analysis and opinion about major religion stories.
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