Pope Francis — not naming names — makes appeal ‘not to create walls, but to build bridges’; Conservative evangelicals join letter denouncing Trump’s order on refugees; Southern Baptist retailer removes black hip-hop artist’s album that includes the word ‘penis’; Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.;
Acts of Faith
Religion headlines that matter
Stop repeating the heresy of declaring the United States a ‘Christian nation’
Christ did not come into this world to become a modifier.
Pope Francis — not naming names — makes appeal ‘not to create walls, but to build bridges’
"A Christian would never say 'you will pay for that.' Never," the pope said of President Trump's border-wall plan.
Conservative evangelicals join letter denouncing Trump’s order on refugees
The leaders took out a full-page ad in The Washington Post.
Southern Baptist retailer removes black hip-hop artist’s album that includes the word ‘penis’
The artist has challenged people of all political and religious stripes.
Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.
The Washington Post's Acts of Faith offers breaking and ongoing news, analysis and opinion about major religion stories.
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