‘Jesus feminists’ see Hillary Clinton as a role model. They just won’t vote for her.; God might not want a woman to be president, some religious conservatives say; Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.; What it means that Mike Pence called himself an ‘evangelical Catholic’;
Acts of Faith
Religion headlines that matter
Why a Satanic Temple member wants to perform rituals before a city council in the Bible Belt
Pensacola is the latest city where Satanists are pushing lawmakers to ban public prayer.
‘Jesus feminists’ see Hillary Clinton as a role model. They just won’t vote for her.
Evangelical women rejected feminism. Their daughters believe women's leadership is needed everywhere.
God might not want a woman to be president, some religious conservatives say
"There is a good reason why men tend to lead in these positions. I think embedded in creation is a natural tendency."
Want to write for Acts of Faith? Here are some guidelines.
The Washington Post's Acts of Faith offers breaking and ongoing news, analysis and opinion about major religion stories.
What it means that Mike Pence called himself an ‘evangelical Catholic’
Trump's vice-presidential pick has become increasingly vague about his faith life.
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