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Technical Debt

We all experience technical debt when building software, especially software that has been around for years. Most of us have likely encountered code that we are loathe to touch and modify. At least, we don't touch it twice. We might change things once, but when it doesn't work as expected, most of us put it back in it's previous state and move on to something else.

At the same time, it's hard to define what technical debt is or point it out to managers, who often can't grasp the concept of why technical debt matters to a development team. They can't understand the reasons why new code built on older code takes longer and longer to produce. It's a nebulous concept that can baffle both people new to software development and those with years of experience.

I ran across a few articles that talk about technical debt. This one notes it's commonly used as a phrase and also, it's inevitable. There's a short video from Ward Cunningham, who is said to be the inventor of the term. It's interesting because the explanation isn't bad code, it's more that we don't always understand the problem when we write code, especially at the beginning. As we have a disagreement between what's coded and what's needed, we accumulate debt. Ward talks about refactoring regularly as we gain understanding.

There is another piece that uses the Chernobyl disaster as a comparison with software development. This one looks at cost-cutting in both situations. The emphasis in software development is something Jeff Moden will appreciate: developers not writing robust code. There is also a section on designing to meet only 95% (or less) of perceived use cases, which I think is just reality. We can't write software, in any practical sense, to cover 100% of use cases.

The final section talks about incomplete testing. While software development has gotten better here, there is still plenty of work to be done, especially with database software. I find far too few database engineers wrap tests around their code and often have problems with new data or when code is refactored. A few more tests added early often prevent issues later, or at least, save time when debugging. This is one place I think AI might really help with labor savings by writing these tests for us.

Technical debt is a reality of life. We have imperfect engineers, we have the pressures to get things done, the increasing complexity of software systems, and perhaps most of all, the pressure to keep moving forward with something new instead of refactoring something old. I don't have any great solutions, but I also do see software developers working better than they did in the past. That gives me hope for a future where software is embedded in more places and used more every day.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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SQLServerCentral Article

Add a Second NIC for an Availability Group to Separate Network Traffic

Vincent92 from SQLServerCentral

Introduction Sometimes we face the scenario in an enterprise environment that the database in SQL Server Always On Availability Group (AOAG) has high concurrency read and write access from application servers. If we keep using the one network interface card for both network traffic of database connections from application servers and database mirroring between AOAG […]

External Article

Redgate opens the doors to cross-database DevOps Test Data Management

Additional Articles from Redgate

Redgate’s new DevOps test data management tool, Redgate Clone, provisions production-like data in seconds for SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle databases.

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Benefits and Limitations of SCHEMABINDING Views in SQL Server

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The tip, Views in SQL Server, explored the purpose of views, creating views examples, and benefits of views. A view is a virtual table that references the actual database tables stored in the database. What if someone changes the underlying table structure, such as renaming the column, adding a new column, or dropping the table? What is the impact of changing schema on views? How can we stop any schema changes if the view references the schema?

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - What Is Azure Data Factory?

dharmendra.keshari from SQL Geek

What Is Azure Data Factory? Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud-based PaaS data integration solution that provides a fully managed, serverless environment for ingesting, preparing, and transforming your...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Code That Writes Code

Kevin3NF from Dallas DBAs

“Work Smarter, not Harder” We’ve all heard it before, pretty much any job, anywhere. In our DBA slice of the IT world, this is very relevant to how we...

Practical Database Auditing for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL

Practical Database Auditing for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL: Troubleshooting, Regulatory Compliance, and Governance

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Know how to track changes and key events in your SQL Server databases in support of application troubleshooting, regulatory compliance, and governance. This book shows how to use key features in SQL Server ,such as SQL Server Audit and Extended Events, to track schema changes, permission changes, and changes to your data. You’ll even learn how to track queries run against specific tables in a database. ss


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


KILL permissions

What permissions are required to use KILL on a different connection?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

SQL Server 2022 Log File IFI

In SQL Server 2022, when can a log file use Instant File Initialization (IFI)?

Answer: Only when the log file grows

Explanation: IFI can be used with log file growth in SQL Server 2022. Only if the growth is 64MB or less (64MB is the default). Ref: What's new in SQL Server 2022 - Performance -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums


Featured Script

Python 3 Script for Generating SQL Insert Statements from CSV Data

Piyush Tripathi from SQLServerCentral

This Python 3 script is designed to take CSV file data pasted into the csv_data variable and generate SQL insert statements that can be used to insert the data into a MySQL database. The script is easy to use and can save you a lot of time when working with large amounts of data.

def add_quotes(row):
values = row.split(",")
output = ["'{}'".format(value) for value in values]
return ",".join(output)

def csv_to_mysql(table, csv_data):
csv_array = csv_data.split("n")
header_str = add_quotes(csv_array[1])
sql_statement = ""
for row in csv_array[2:-1]:
row_str = add_quotes(row)
sql_statement += "INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES({}); n".format(table, header_str, row_str)
return sql_statement

#---------- REPLACE THE BELOW TEXT WITH YOUR CSV DATA----------------
csv_data = """
89,White Clover,Karl Jablonski,305 - 14th Ave. S. Suite 3B,Seattle,98128,USA
90,Kala Clover,Karl Jablonski,305 - 14th Ave. S. Suite 3B,Seattle,98128,USA
91,Karttunen Clover Markets,Karl Jablonski,305 ,Helsinki,21240,Finland

sql = csv_to_mysql('Customers',csv_data)
print("Execution Finished!")

More »


Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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