But the old buy-and-hold strategy could leave so much on the table.
Instead, you should consider tapping into gold's unique trading pattern Geof calls "Acceleration Cycles" that almost no one else knows about…
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One that allows you to hone in on what could be some of the most profitable opportunities on Gold…
All from just small 1% moves on the price of gold… which means it truly doesn't take much.
And THE gold expert Geof Smith told me his research shows him that the next Acceleration Cycle is this week…
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So we put together this briefing ahead of time for you.
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Although we can't guarantee results or against losses, Geof and I will show you exactly how these Acceleration Cycles work and how he plans to tap into them over and over again each month.
Just tap this link to check out the briefing now.
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To your trading success,
Prosperity Pub