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Today's Top Stories

December 08, 2016

WATCH: Admiral Calls Out Kaepernick During Pearl Harbor Speech

Sheriff Clarke: All Cop Killers Should Get the Death Penalty

Study: 'Bathroom Bill' Could Cost Texas Economy $8.5B a Year, 185K Jobs

Mike Rowe Responds to College Student Who Advocated Removing US Flag

Tomi Lahren: Mainstream Media Largely 'Caters to the Coasts'

Tomi Lahren

Knife-Wielding High School Student Shot by Campus Police Officer

Hannity Warns Trump: 'Be Very Careful' With Rahm, Romney & Gore

SHOCKING: 2 American Flags Burned Outside California Gyms

Fmr VA Trump Co-Chair: He 'Needs to Keep His Promises' On Immigration

Corey Stewart

Poll: Majority Want Gov't to Prevent 'Fake News' from Spreading

Frank Luntz: Trump's Favorability Surge Is Largest Since Ronald Reagan

Watch Out for This 'Secret Sister Gift Exchange' Facebook Scam

Tucker Battles Activist Who Compared Trump's 'Person of Year' Nod to Hitler's


Fmr Texans Wideout Takes Kids on a $20K Christmas Shopping Spree


What's On


Inside the decisions that will shape the nation. What Donald Trump plans to do first on security, on a powerful Special Report.


Turning on Trump! An elector refuses to back the president-elect. But why is he going against his people ... and his party? Tucker goes one-on-one in a powerful debate on Tucker Carlson Tonight.


Donald Trump will speak in Iowa tonight, and O'Reilly is keeping an eye on his talk. Plus, Bernie Goldberg on anger against the media, on a must-see Factor.


Watch Donald Trump's speech LIVE and get reaction from Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove and Katrina Pierson on a can't-miss Kelly File. Then at 10p ET, Laura Ingraham reacts to Trump's speech on Hannity.

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