In this issue, November 15, 2022 View it in your browser.

AdTech Data Pipelines, Kubecost OpenCost, No-Code DevOps, KubeCon NA Edge-Native, APIM on the Cloud, Rust 1.65, Debezium 2.0, Rome V10, Porting from Java to Kotlin, Techno-Solutionism, Value Streams

Last chance to level-up on emerging software trends at QCon Plus online, Nov 30 - Dec 8.

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn about key emerging software trends from 110+ senior software practitioners at QCon Plus this Nov 30-Dec 8. Discover case studies and insights about real-world best practices and solutions in software development and tech leadership. Just two weeks to book your online pass. Register now.



10 Critical KPIs for Stronger Software Releases

In this guide, we suggest 10 KPIs you can use to track how well you’re deploying, releasing, and shipping software. Although these are just our suggestions, we believe they represent a good starting point for data collection during an often overlooked phase of software development. Download now.

What it Takes to be Genuinely Data Driven in Software Engineering

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke Andrew Lau about the state of engineering management report, what it takes for organisations to be genuinely data driven and the measurable benefits that are possible with good data. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Meta Announces Next Generation AI Hardware Platform Grand Teton

  2. Uber Freight Near-Real-Time Analytics Architecture

Modern Data Pipelines in AdTech—Life in the Trenches

Roksolana Diachuk discusses how to use modern data pipelines for reporting and analytics as well as the case of historical data reprocessing in AdTech. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.



7 MQTT Tools Worth Trying in 2022

Looking for tools to speed up your IoT development cycle? Finding the right one can be challenging. Start by exploring our list of seven handy MQTT tools that you should consider. Learn more.


  1. Kubecost Open Sources OpenCost: An Open Source Standard for Kubernetes Cost Monitoring

  2. Docker Desktop 4.14 Adds Resource Usage Monitor and Vulnerability Discovery

The Future of DevOps Is No-Code

The need for high-quality DevOps personnel is skyrocketing, but it is harder than ever to find enough staff. It is possible to augment your DevOps organization using no-code and low-code tooling. Low-code and no-code tools can free up existing developers by reducing the time spent on integrating and administering DevOps toolsets. (Article)



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  1. AWS Introduces Amazon EventBridge Scheduler

  2. Momento Announces Serverless Cache Service

  3. AWS Supports Transfer of IP Addresses Between Accounts

  4. KubeCon NA 2022: Edge-Native Application Principles

  5. Google Introduces Cloud Workstations in Public Preview

The Journey to API Management on the Cloud

The panelists explore how to build, integrate, and expose services as managed APIs in the cloud to follow best practices and manage large deployments. (Presentation with transcript included)



Is Cloud eating up your budget? Adopt FinOps!

Understand all about FinOps, steps to kick-start your FinOps journey, and best practices to optimize your cloud spending with FinOps. Get the ebook.


  1. Rust 1.65 Brings Generic Associated Types in a Step towards Higher-Kinded Types

Who Moved My Code? An Anatomy of Code Obfuscation

In this article, we introduce the topic of code obfuscation, with emphasis on string obfuscation. Obfuscation is an important practice to protect source code by making it unintelligible. Obfuscation is often mistaken with encryption, but they are different concepts. In the article we will present a number of techniques and approaches used to obfuscate data in a program. (Article)



How to Avoid Kubernetes Deployment Pitfalls

Learn how to succeed in the cloud and avoid the most serious K8s deployment pitfalls, including, the 'deadliest Kubernetes sins'. Discover the components and steps required to make K8s an enterprise-level production-ready platform, leveraging GitOps, FinOps, DevSecOps, and more. Live Webinar, November 15th, 2022 - Save your Seat.


  1. Java News Roundup: Payara Platform 6, Spring Updates and CVEs, Asynchronous Stack Trace VM API

Debezium Releases Version 2.0 of Its Change Data Capture Tool

Debezium, an open-source distributed platform for change data capture (CDC), converts records from existing databases into event streams, enabling applications to detect and respond to database row-level changes. This release of version 2.0 introduces many changes: Java 11 is now required; incremental snapshots are improved [...] (News)



Most Common Kubernetes Security Misconfigurations — November 16

Learn how to easily identify Kubernetes misconfigurations and deploy identity-based infrastructure access during this virtual event with Anaïs and Ben. Register now.

Azure Logic Apps Standard Now Supports XSLT and .NET Framework Maps

Microsoft recently announced the preview of support of .NET Framework assemblies in XSLT maps in Logic Apps (Standard), adding more extensibility options. (News)



YOW! London 2022

For the first time ever, the world-renowned YOW! Conference will take place in London! Learn more at YOW! London.

All-in-One, Integrated Front-End Toolchain Rome Released V10, Dubbed First Stable Release

The Rome team recently announced Rome v10, dubbed the first stable release since a Rust rewrite. The new release includes a small part of the all-in-one toolchain that Rome envisions, namely the linter and formatter. The Rust-based tools according to first benchmarks provide between one and two orders of magnitude improvement vs. ESLint and Prettier. The tools are available as a VSCode extension. (News)



Elevating Cloud Provider Kubernetes with D2iQ

Learn how to create an enterprise Kubernetes platform that will accommodate continual innovation with this new whitepaper from D2iQ. Download your copy today!

Porting Million Lines of Code from Java to Kotlin at Meta

Meta has been at work to port their Android codebase from Java to Kotlin. In the process, they have learned a number of lessons of general interest and developed a few useful approaches, explains Meta engineer Omer Strulovich. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Scalable Automation Frameworks for Functional and Non-Functional Testing

  2. Unraveling Techno-Solutionism: How I Fell out of Love with “Ethical” Machine Learning

Are your “Value Streams” Keeping you Stuck in the Past?

The essence of business agility is being able to respond quickly and systematically to feedback. As a means of achieving business agility, value stream management falls short, and ends up being not very different from what organizations have done for a long time: using program management practices to coordinate work across different teams in a large organization. (Article)

From Async Code Reviews to Co-Creation Patterns

This article dives into the throughput and quality of the async code review process, which are very important dimensions to optimize for in product development teams. It also explains why co-creation patterns – Pair and Mob programming – as an alternative way of working are able to optimize for both of those dimensions, instead of needing to trade off between them. (Article)

Optimizing for Fast Flow in Norway's Largest Bureaucracy

Audun Fauchald Strand, Truls Jørgensen describe how they have succeeded to align their teams by using: Internal tech radar increases communication between teams, and a weekly dive on a specific topic. (Presentation with transcript included))

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