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Rene sat with her mom in a horse-drawn carriage as the driver gave them a tour through the quaint little town. It was a sunny day, and Rene was enjoying the fresh air and scenery. As they traveled along the main street, she looked at all the shops and people. At the edge of town the road crossed a river, and Rene saw that they were approaching a covered wooden bridge. “This bridge was built in 1871,” the driver explained. “It’s been carrying traffic over the river for over a hundred years.” He guided the horse inside, where its hooves clip-clopped loudly on the planks. “A few years ago the bridge was in bad shape, and it was almost demolished. But a group of people who loved it worked hard to preserve it. They convinced the town to have the bridge restored, and now it’s a treasured landmark.”

When they emerged into the sunlight again, Rene turned for one more look at the faithful old structure. “Isn’t it beautiful?” her mom said. Rene nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure glad they saved it!”

The word salvation means to save something or someone from being destroyed. That’s exactly what God does for his people. When you believe in Jesus and faithfully follow him, God saves you and gives you eternal life. You then can live with him in heaven forever.

Bible Verse: The Lord preserves those who are true to him.Psalm 31:23

Words to Treasure: My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart.Psalm 7:10

Bible Gateway Recommendations
Adventure Bible Book Of Devotions, NIV

365 Days of Adventure

Retail: $12.99
Our Price: $9.99
Save: $3.00 (23%)

Copyright Information

NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions: 365 Days of Adventure (Zondervan). © 2013 by Zondervan. Used with permission. All rights reserved. The book's title must be included when sharing the above content on social media. Visit the Adventure Bible website

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