Despite Google’s protestations over the latest Adalytics report, media-buyers have more questions as politicians join the chorus.
August 21, 2023

Advertisers have lingering questions for YouTube after the latest controversial report on child safety

Despite Google’s protestations over the latest Adalytics report, media-buyers have more questions as politicians join the chorus.

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Ivy Liu
Despite Google’s protestations over the latest Adalytics report, media-buyers have more questions as politicians join the chorus.
Media buying agency GroupM is using Jounce Media’s made-for-advertising checklist to remove MFAs from its programmatic business.
Because retail media campaigns drive to a retailer’s site in many cases instead of a brand’s, it’s up to the retailer to share necessary customer activity information, adding yet another layer of complexity for advertisers.
Soccer was the star, but companies also used generative AI, augmented reality and even blockchain across ads, games and social media.
To deliver hyper-localized product-centric digital campaigns at scale, ad ops teams powered creatives with aggregated data from Albertsons Companies’ nearly 2,300 U.S. stores.
Per a notice from contextual targeting ad agency Peer39, advertisers have added Maui wildfire coverage to their blocklists.
Many misconceptions plague the in-game advertising space, but by understanding what IGA truly is and how much the audience has grown, advertisers identify the keys to successful gaming-based strategies and partnerships.
Now as some move beyond their own workforce diversity and internal programs, they are bringing that DEI expertise and strategy to clients in new offerings and services.
Athelta is wiping its Instagram account as part of the athletic brand’s broader refresh efforts in a bid to turn the company’s brand direction.
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