TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 24, 2017

What Happened When I Tried to Have a Civilized Conversation with Fox News Fans

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

A Trump critic's revealing appearance on Tucker Carlson. READ MORE»

Advice for Trump’s Speechwriters: Quit

By Rachel Leah, Salon

Former Obama speechwriter David Litt, one of the youngest speechwriters in history, joins “Salon Talks." READ MORE»

We Are Living in a World Where the President Merrily Tweets While the World Is on Fire

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

Fiddling through the smoke in 2025. READ MORE»

Stephen Curry Says It Should Be ‘Beneath’ the President to Attack Athletes—as DC Mayor Invites Warriors to Town

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

The office of the presidency should not pick personal fights with athletes, says Curry. READ MORE»

These Are 3 of the Most Dangerous Opponents of Universal Healthcare

By Adam Johnson, Los Angeles Times

An estimated 45,000 people dying a year because of a lack of healthcare and sick people have GoFundMe pages.  READ MORE»

Failing Dam in Puerto Rico, Endangering 70,000, a Reminder that Climate Denialism Kills

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment

President Trump, notoriously, tweeted that climate change is a Chinese hoax.  READ MORE»

NBA Union Head Chris Paul Challenges Trump’s Manhood in Twitter Blast Over Black Athlete Attacks

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Paul was not the only player to land a major hit on Trump. READ MORE»

Should Political Comedy Have to Pass a Jimmy Kimmel Test?

By Sam Kriss, AlterNet

By lionizing their late-night hosts, progressives are setting themselves up for disappointment. READ MORE»

It's Nearly Impossible for Victims of Police Brutality to Get Justice

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

With every life taken, law enforcement is exposed for being the source of violence rather than its remedy. READ MORE»

Orgasm Addicts, Sex Doesn’t Have to Be Red Hot

By Isabel Losada, The Guardian

You don’t need to be whipped, tied up or pant athletically towards climax to have a very good time in bed. READ MORE»

Is North Korea Peddling Dope to Get Around Sanctions?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

It certainly looks that way. And that calls into question what impact the economic embargo will have.  READ MORE»

On Schizophrenia: Father and Son Discuss Battling Mental Illness

By Patrick Cockburn, Henry Cockburn, CounterPunch

Henry Cockburn fought his way back to reality, with a little help from art.  READ MORE»

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