In this issue, May 8, 2018 View it in your browser.

Aeron, Watson, Flink, NGINX, 10k Daily Deploys at Skyscanner, Firefox Facebook Container, Oracle vs. Google, Cucumber at 10, Making Stack Overflow More Welcoming

Announcing QCon NYC Keynote by Co-founder at Snyk Security Guy Podjarny!

We’ve made developers incredibly powerful – but when does such access become unacceptable risk? Join Guy Podjarny at QCon New York and hear war stories, a vision of where we may be heading, and how we can protect ourselves and our users. QCon New York June 25th – 29th 2018.



All your Databases, One Platform

Compose makes it easy to deploy your favorite open source databases in minutes into your preferred cloud datacenter on fast SSDs. Everything you need to run a performant database is available through the Compose web console or Compose APIs. Try Compose Free for 30 Days.

Martin Thompson on Aeron, Binary vs Text for Message Encoding, and Raft

Martin Thompson discusses consensus in distributed systems, and how Aeron uses Raft for clustering in the upcoming release. (Podcast)

Diana Larsen on Organisation Design for Team Effectiveness and Having the Best Possible Work-Life

In this podcast Shane Hastie spoke to Diana Larsen about organisational design for team effectiveness, having the best possible work-life and the evolution of the Agile Fluency Model. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Q&A on IBM's Fabric for Deep Learning with Chief Architect of Watson

Using Artificial Intelligence to Test the Candy Crush Saga Game

Alexander Andelkovic shows how King is training artificial intelligence bots to test its games by mimicking human interactions. (Presentation)

Streaming SQL Foundations: Why I ❤ Streams+Tables

Tyler Akidau explores the relationship between the Beam Model and stream & table theory. He explains what is required to provide robust stream processing support in SQL and discusses concrete efforts that have been made in this area by the Apache Beam, Calcite, and Flink communities, compare to other offerings such as Apache Kafka’s KSQL and Apache Spark’s Structured streaming. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. Squbs

Anil Gursel and Akara Sucharitakul focus on modeling and building software that considers all input and all output as stream of events, and introducing Squbs. They go over a set of high level use cases and patterns they successfully used in production for this streaming model. Last but not least, they talk about performance, scalability, and resilience characteristics they get out of this model. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Next Steps in Stateful Streaming with Apache Flink

Stephan Ewan talks about how Apache Flink is making stateful stream processing even more expressive and flexible to support applications in streaming that were previously not considered streamable. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams

Aris Koliopoulos talks about how common problems in social media, such as analysing user sessions, counting big numbers and making real-time recommendations can be resolved with a healthy mix of stream processing and functional programming. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!


The InfoQ eMag: Perspectives on GDPR.

Are you ready for GDPR? Get practical advice and learn what every data scientist / data engineer should know in order to transform this set of policy from a threat into a competitive advantage. Download the free guide.


  1. AWS Open Sources and Expands Serverless Application Model (SAM) Implementation

  2. Docker Enterprise Edition 2.0 Brings Easier Kubernetes Integration

  3. NGINX Releases Open Source Web Server with Dynamic Configuration

  4. New Report from The Linux Foundation Shows Demand High for DevOps Skills

  5. AWS AppSync Including New GraphQL Features Is Now Generally Available

Accelerate Rapid Software Innovation with Virtustream Pivotal Cloud Foundry Service

Tony van Büüren van Heijst and Craig Steel discuss how to do DevOps with Virtustream Pivotal Cloud Foundry Service. (Presentation)

10k Deploys a Day - the Skyscanner Journey So Far

Stuart Davidson tries to dispel the myth that all needs to be "all-in" from the start and walks through how Skyscanner got to where they are, one step and one transition at a time. He covers some of the challenges they see in the next 12 months. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!



Top 10 Best Practices for AWS Security.

In this eBook, you will learn the top 10 AWS security controls and best practices that you can implement right away to accelerate your business in the cloud safely and securely. As you will discover, most of these best practices are easy to implement and go a long way to ensuring your success in AWS.


  1. Firefox Releases Facebook Container Extension

  2. Twitter Passwords May Be Compromised, Could Be One of the Largest Data Breaches in History

  3. Major Automakers Aim to Bring Blockchain to Cars

From Haskell 98 to Modern Haskell–Making Sense of the Haskell Type System

Ryan Lemmer takes a look at Haskell’s type system, including extensions: GADTs, multi-param type-classes, functional dependencies, type functions, kind polymorphism, type promotion, etc. (Presentation)

Functional Programming in Aviation

Tony Morris discusses some of the issues met in aviation and how functional programming can be applied to provide significant improvements in efficiency and air safety. (Presentation)


  1. Oracle Seeks $8.8 Billion in Damages from Google after Appeal

Debugging Serverless for Cloud

Xiaokai He and Chris Anderson demo developing and deploying a serverless application to cloud, and then debugging functions locally and remotely. (Presentation)



Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Essentials [Video].

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  1. F# Web Development with the SAFE Stack

Performance is a Key .NET Core Feature

.NET Core brings along many optimizations with regards to performance, both in terms of execution speed as well as memory allocation. Examples are optimizations in collections and LINQ extension methods, text processing, networking … There are also new types and concepts, such as Span, that allow doing interesting things. In this article, we will look at how these new concepts can be used. (Article)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. JS Foundation Announces Dojo 2.0 Release

  2. Babylon.js 3.2 Release Improves 3D Rendering

Package Containing Malicious Backdoor Makes its Way into NPM

The NPM security team removed a package masquerading as a cookie parser that actually contained a malicious backdoor, along with three other packages depending on it. The backdoor allowed attackers to inject arbitrary code into a running server and execute it. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. BDD Tool Cucumber is 10 Years Old: Q&A with its Founder Aslak Hellesøy

Building Apps Leveraging Municipal Open Data and Low Code Solutions

Municipal governments produce and commission large amounts of data and information every day. This article demonstrates how Oracle Application Express (APEX) -- a low code, cloud-based development tool -- can be used in combination with the Socrata Open Data API (SODA) to build a simple reporting web application that includes a report and a chart based on the NYC 311 service request open data. (Article)

Guide to Digital Transformation - Part 2

This article introduces a new framework for translating a digital business ambition into imaginable digital strategies, that can be priced and modeled for impact analysis and economic value creation.

Tried and True Approach to Cloud Native Design - An Experienced-Based Method

Rahul Kandhari discusses HCL’s journey creating microservices and lessons learned along the way. (Presentation)



Getting Started with Containers and Microservices.

Download this eBook to learn how developers use containers and microservices, their benefit and impact on resources, strategy, and monitoring, and what to do if you need a new application monitoring solution. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Automating Visual Testing with Appraise

  2. Making Stack Overflow More Welcoming

Coaching with Curiosity Using Clean Language and Agile

Clean Language questions are bias-free questions. They can be used to discover the underlying rules, expressed values, and coping mechanisms in organizations, and to gain clarity and promote diverse ideas in groups. Simple to learn, but tricky to implement, clean questions require transparency and sharing a bit more of one’s thinking than usual. (Article)

A Quick Guide to Implementing ATDD

Collaboration is one of the core values of Agile Methodology. That being said, what happens when you notice lack of collaboration between developers, testers and business-minded individuals in agile teams? This article provides a quick guide to implementing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) in your projects to mitigate problems due to lack of collaboration. (Article)

Healthy Agile Product Security

Molly Crowther discusses how the Pivotal CF teams are working on a secure development lifecycle, some pain points encountered, and best practices for shipping security features quickly. (Presentation)

Your Attention, Please: Optimizing Metrics for Humans

John Feminella shows how to improve common patterns in how data and information is presented to users optimized for attention. (Presentation)

Improving Life in Smaller, Heterogeneous Projects

James Uther explores how to ensure a good Developer Experience in the context of software consultancy when one is faced with an astoundingly diverse array of constraints and givens. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!