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-Kelly Sullivan


America’s FINAL Transformation

Nomi Prins predicted The Enron Scandal…

The 2008 Crisis…

The 2020 market crash…

And inflation back in 2021 before what we’re seeing now…

But now, Nomi (a former Goldman Sachs managing director) is predicting something much bigger…

“America’s FINAL Transformation”

A new financial move creeping under the roots of America that explains why you’ve been left behind in a shattered economy…

While the rich continue to get richer.

>> Click here to discover why
“America’s Final Transformation” is here <<

This transformation is already well-underway, and the world’s biggest groups are a part of it:

  • President Biden has issued a new executive order on this…

  • Alongside MIT, 77 global Governments, The Gates Foundation, UNICEF, and The Clinton Development Initiative…

  • Major corporations like: Citigroup, Ford, MasterCard, Visa, Coca-Cola…

Click here to see how this will affect your life in 2022.


Maria Bonaventura
Senior Managing Editor, Distortion Report